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Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014 1:53 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Evening Post talks about the new edition BBC Two quiz show Eggheads:
Eggheads is on BBC Two on weeknights at 6pm. To apply to be a contestant on the show email eggheads@12yard.com
Test yourself against the questions Lisa faced on ‘Revenge of the Egghead’. How would you have fared? (...)
8. Who was the eldest of the three literary Brontë sisters?
Now, a puzzle from WSPU (Penn State):
Last week's challenge: Name a famous actor best known for tough-guy roles. The first five letters of his first name and the first four letters of his last name are the first five and four letters, respectively, in the first and last names of a famous author. Who is the actor, and who is the author?
Answer: Charles Bronson / Charlotte Brontë (Will Shortz)
TV.com reviews the midseason finale of Outlander:
This moment was very different in the book; Claire only headed in the direction of the rocks. The screen version heightened the drama by having Frank be amongst the Standing Stones in 1945 as Claire raced toward them in 1743, both of them yelling each other’s names in a very Jane Eyre fashion. (Lily Sparks)
La Stampa (Italy) reviews  the Italian TV series Un'altra vita:
Strano che non si sia identificata con Vanessa Incontrada. «Con lei è scattato subito feeling sul set, con la sua naturalezza ci ha aiutato a rendere una donna sfaccettata presa da mille dubbi e sentimenti: la coppia, il lavoro, la famiglia, gli uomini e un mistero che come in Jane Eyre fa da tirante all’intera vicenda. (Simonetta Robiony) (Translation)
Le Magazine Littéraire (France) publishes the obituary of the publisher Jean-Jacques Pauvert:
Jean-Jacques Pauvert est une figure faussement marginale de l'édition littéraire française du XXe siècle. Identifié à la maison qui porte son nom, il sera non seulement l'éditeur mais aussi souvent l'ami de ses auteurs, de Bataille à Pierre Klossowski en passant par Guy Debord. Découvreur de génie, féru d'indépendance, il publiera André Breton, René Crevel, Topor, Raymond Roussel, Tristan Tzara, Boris Vian, Albert Camus, Albertine Sarrazin, Jean Genet, mais aussi Emily Brontë et le Dictionnaire de Littré, Françoise Sagan et l'Histoire de l'art d'Élie Faure.  (Alexandre Gefen) (Translation)
Economy (Serbia) talks about literary tourism:
Ništa manje nije slavan ni Havort, mesto u Zapadnom Jorkširu gde je dom sestara Brontë pretvoren u istoimeni muzej koji svake godine pohodi ogroman broj turista, onih „literarnih“. (Translation)
The Bi-College News informs that the Jane Eyre is the favorite book of the new President of the Bryn Mawr College, Kimberly Wright Cassidy.


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