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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:38 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph's Fashion section has an article about the designer Sarah Burton:
In her autumn/winter show for Alexander McQueen, Burton set all this to life. A strange, misty moorland - not unconnected to the landscape of her childhood - was the setting for the combination of beautiful tailoring and wild imaginings that characterise the house. There was a sense of romanticism-in-crisis, of the Brontë sisters, of Heathcliff haunted by the cold hand of death scratching at his window, of owls, dreams and the poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, whom Burton cites. The dresses came with capes, fur hoods, bell sleeves and delicate, small embroidery, frilled and frayed hemlines.
Also in The Telegraph a story about morning sickness, aka hyperemesis gravidarum:
Sufferers, who typically lose up to five per cent of their body weight (at 16 weeks, first time round, Burner had lost a stone and a half and at term she’d only gained a stone, though in her second pregnancy steroids made her “balloon”), are at increased risk of dehydration and malnutrition, a severe build-up of toxins in the blood and urine and even kidney or heart failure. The condition killed the novelist Charlotte Brontë in 1855. In her letters, she described how she had “strained until my vomit was mixed with blood.” (Julia Llewellyn Smith)
The Raleigh News Observer traces a profile of the Professor Elliot Engel and his English literature lectures:
Elliot Engel spins a tale of England’s Brontë sisters that feels more like a soap opera than a lecture on 19th century literature.
Emily’s long hours staring at drawn window shades. Charlotte’s unfortunate homeliness. Anne’s short career as a governess, ended by her brother’s affair with the child’s mother. Their improbable success as female authors and tragic early deaths.
By the end of the talk last week at N.C. State University, some of the hundreds of freshmen in attendance lined up to buy a $20 DVD of Engel’s lectures – thanks in part to a sales pitch as effective as his talk is engaging. (Marti Maguire)
The Sunday Express interviews the actress Hermione Norris:
The first record I ever bought was… Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush. I thought she was magnificent. It was actually a record, too – one of those seven-inch vinyl singles that would scratch if you danced to it – so we’re going back some years. (Rachel Corcoran)
Another cover of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights was performed at Portmeirion's Festival No 6 in The National Student:
Laid-back vibes with the gypsy jazz of the Gypsies of Bohemia set the day up nicely with swinging versions of Kate Bush’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Toxic’ by Britney Spears. In the first instance number six throws out an unexpected, and delightful musical highlight. (James Thornbill)
mid day lists several not very well paid actor roles:
When James Howson became the first black actor to be cast in the role of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights (2011), he was commended for his work. But he took home only $13,036 for his role. (Shakti Shetty)
Ohmynews (South Korea) reviews the performances of the Hangzhou Theatre production of Jane Eyre as a Yue Opera at the Sejong Center in Seoul:
지난 9일부터 11일까지 세종문화회관 M시어티에서 공연한 '제인 에어'는 소설을 원작으로 중국에서 제작된 창작 뮤지컬이 국내 첫 선을 보였다는 점이 큰 의미로 다가왔다. 현재 '별에서 온 그대' 등 드라마와 연기자, 드라마세트장 등이 중국 관광객들에게 선풍적인 인기를 끌고 있는 이때, 중국의 뮤지컬의 국내 공연이 앞으로 양국 간 문화예술 교류를 더욱 활발하게 할 것이라는 전망도 나오고 있다.
중국 국가 1급 감독인 왕쇼우잉이 총감독을 맡았고, 왕제난 중국연극원 감독이 연출을 한 대형 창작 뮤지컬 '제인 에어' 공연 마지막 날인 11일 저녁 한국인터넷기자협회 임원과 동료 가족들이 함께 관람을 했다. 전통적인 시나리오 서사구조인 기승전결 구조에다 도입 발단 절정 순을 따랐다. 먼저 뮤지컬 첫 장르 도입(발단)부문을 보면서 언어 문제에 부딪치기도 했다. 모든 출연 배우들의 중국어 대사가 중국어에 익숙하지 않은 나에게 문화적 충격으로 나가왔기 때문이다.
물론 무대 양 옆에는 한국어 자막을 사용한 번역 프로그램이 있었다. 중국 영화는 화면 안에 나타나 그런대로 익숙한 편인데 공연은 번역프로그램이 따로 떨어져 있어 익숙하지 않았다.
차츰 뮤지컬 공연이 절정부분으로 향하면서 주인공과 조연 배우들의 열정적인 연기에 몰입이 됐고, 차츰 번역을 읽고 무대를 보는 것이 자연스레 해 졌다. (김철관) (Translation)
The Buffalo News reviews The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, The Brontës and the Importance of Handbags by Daphne Merkin; The Times interviews the author Jacqueline Wilson who mentions Jane Eyre as one of her heroines; Pusat Sumber Seseri and beckiedoyle post about Jane Eyre.


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