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Monday, August 18, 2014

Nanaimo Daily News informs of a grant received by a future Brontë scholar:
Vancouver Island University graduate Elizabeth Bassett won a $17,500 scholarship from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada to begin her Masters of Arts at the University of Victoria.
The Nanaimo resident, who graduated in June with a Bachelor of Arts degree with an English major and psychology minor, will begin her studies with a project she began while at VIU.
She received the scholarship based on her application to pursue a project focused on the novel Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë.
Working with a small group of students under the guidance of English professor Dr. Sandra Hagan, Bassett analyzed the classic 'governess' of the novel, which was first published in 1847.
"What really strikes me about the novel is that it has a kind of tension between the protagonist's individual self and her public working self," Bassett said in a release. "I think it's a tension that's still really relevant today."
Bassett plans to use autobiographical theory to examine how interior lives can be expressed or suppressed by narrative forms.
During her group studies on the works of the Brontë, Bassett made a presentation on Agnes Grey that encouraged her interest in pursuing a Master's degree.
Detroit Free Press analyses the webseries based on classic literature phenomenon:
 “One of best and worst things in (our) project was how much people needed Jane,” said Alysson Hall, the star of “The Autobiography of Jane Eyre.” “People always ask me if she’s going to come back. But every story has an end.” (...)

The Autobiography of Jane Eyre
Perhaps the most dramatic of the literary Web series thus far, “The Autobiography of Jane Eyre” tackled issues like abuse, mental illness and unhealthy relationships. While tonally imperfect, the star of the show, Alysson Hall, infused Jane with a deadpan wit and sympathetic gawkiness that made it easy to swallow even the most outlandish of the original book’s plot twists. (theautobiographyofja.wix.com/jane-eyre) (Hoai Tran-Bui)
The Huffinton Post gives 17 reasons to visit Yorkshire. One of them is, of course:
Yorkshire was also once home to the Brontë family.
You can visit the Brontë family's lifelong home and learn more about their legacy at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, located in Haworth, West Yorkshire. (Lisa Miller)
The Irish Independent reviews the Shakespeare's Globe production of Much Ado About Nothing which includes... Brontë connections?!:
Throw together a mischievous fascination with contemporary Gothic, add in a tale within a tale of Victorian Gothic with references to and extracts from both Emily and Charlotte Brontë, as well as a definite nod towards Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, and you've got quite a sophisticated mix. (Emer O'Kelly)
The List talks about the latest novel by Sarah Waters, The Paying Guests:
Whereas Waters' earlier novels were a mad swirl of Dickens, Wilkie Collins and the Brontës, here she draws inspiration from queer female novelists of the early 20th century, most clearly Radclyffe Hall, author of the notorious lesbian novel The Well of Loneliness, with maybe a dash of Du Maurier and Woolf. (Kaite Welsh)
Sioux City Journal interviews North Sioux City Community Library director Deb Matthys:
Describe the type of book that will always draw you in.
"I've always been a fan of scary Victorian novels, complete with castles surrounded by waters with crashing waves. I love (Emily Brontë's) 'Wuthering Heights' and anything similar will instantly capture my imagination." ( Earl Horlyk)
3FM (Netherlands) lists songs inpired by novels:
Kate Bush - 'Wuthering Heights'
Een klassieker op de Engelse boekenlijst: Wuthering Heights, de enige roman die Emily Brontë schreef - naast nog wat gedichten. Het nummer volgt dezelfde verhaallijn als het boek, over een stel dat ondanks verschillen in klasse en families bij elkaar blijft. Emily Brontë en Kate Bush delen trouwens dezelfde verjaardag: 30 juli. (Translation)
El Comercio (Perú) reviews the novel La Mujer de Bellocq by Patricia Villanueva:
Tras cinco años alejada de las galerías, la artista retoma su investigación en torno a la búsqueda de la identidad profundizando en marcadas influencias: el oscuro erotismo propio de las fotografías del estadounidense Ernest Bellocq, su obsesión por el cuervo como personaje mutante, sus lecturas de las novelas de Jean Rhys y Charlotte Brontë. Todos esos referentes son procesados para luego ser devueltos en una propuesta personal y oscura, que tiene que ver con el amor y el deseo de sentirse vivo en los ojos del otro. (Enrique Planas) (Translation)
El Rincón Perdido (in Spanish) talks about Wuthering Heights; Ipswich Spy gives away some tickets to see Red Rose Chain's Wuthering Heights.


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