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Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014 2:09 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Times reviews the latest episode of BBC One Who Do You Think You Are? with Brian Blessed and mentions his truly moving reciting of No Coward Soul is Mine at the end of the episode in front of the grave of his 'really great!' great grandfather's grave.

The Daily Mail (of all places) complains that romance has been kidnapped by sex in modern popular culture:
Whatever happened to romance? You remember romance, don’t you? (...)
Back then, romance was always in the air - on the radio, in books and at the pictures, magnifying emotions that everyone seemed to share.
While a few curmudgeons might argue that such feelings were just repressed sexual desire — lust tied up with a pretty bow — think only of Shakespeare’s Romeo And Juliet, Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, Puccini’s La Bohème, Ella Fitzgerald or Simply Red singing Every Time We Say Goodbye, and you’ll know it doesn’t matter what such people think. (Ray Connolly)
Empire remembers that Boom! Studios in partnership with Fox 2000 has a Rochester film project in development, adapting a still unpublished comic illustrated by Ramón Pérez (and written by Aline Brosh McKenna):
Boom!'s deal with Fox already has projects based on James Wan's cancer hero Malignant Man(which Wan will direct); the post-apocalyptic Rust; and the Brontë-riffing Rochester in development. (Owen Williams)
Downton Express talks about some of the things seen at the New York International Fringe Festival:
Three productions use good old Willy S. as a key ingredient or jumping off point. “Wing to the Rooky Wood” is a multi-media production by Brooklyn’s Renaissance Now Theatre & Film company, which incorporates elements of Chekhov’s “The Seagull,” Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights” and Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” (Scott Stiffler)
The Mirror is, of course, following closely Cliff Richard's alleged sexual assault accusation and quotes from Kiss FM (Portugal) interview with the singer where he said:
At one point the singer is even asked if he wears a wig.
He joked: "I have actually ... but I don't wear it," before adding that he wore it for his starring role in the musical Heathcliff. (Sam Rkaina)
Changing People interviews the novelist Lucy Atkins:
You’ve said Jane Eyre is your favourite chick noir book. (Not sure what chick noir is exactly- women’s Gothic?) What is it about the character of Jane Eyre that attracts you? For years I saw Jane as a bit of a wimp despite loving the book, and took some time to realise her spirit. Aided I must say by an excellent production I saw in Bristol, which really drew out her feminist qualities.
Yes, the ‘chick noir’ point is to show how belittling that term is – if a book like Jane Eyre falls into that category (psychological suspense written by women) then it’s absurd.
My love of Jane Eyre is really simple: it brings me out in goosebumps – physically – every time I read it. It’s a deeply moving story and the madwoman in the attic is archetypally disturbing. I love that Jane is subversive – she’s not pretty, not charismatic, but she’s clever and loyal and stronger than everyone else. I wouldn’t necessarily want to hang out with her but she’s a wonderful character.
The author Lia Riley gives three reasons why she adores Rochester on Heroes and HeartbreakersCinemaburn and El Blog Perdido de Laura (in Spanish) review Jane Eyre 2011; Youth Ki Awaaz marks five life lessons to be learnt from Jane Eyre.


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