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Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014 1:06 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
Lucy Mangan in Radio Times talks about her Radio 4 programme Literary Solutions to the Economy:
I’ve always loved reading. From the back of the cornflake packet at breakfast, to the newspapers, websites and books I read for work, to the 3ft pile of to-be-reads waiting for me on my bedside table at night, I always have something on hand. My bookshelves are crammed with everything from Jane Eyre to Jack Reacher. The only thing I had, until recently, never touched were the newspapers’ economic and business pages. Impenetrable, I thought, and nothing to do with me.
Rowan Pelling in her Daily Mail sex column:
I have no doubt your husband would be highly agitated if you told him your plan. Who could blame him? You don’t reflect on what would have happened, had the relationship run its course. Would you still feel like Cathy and Heathcliff after 20 years of Tesco trips and TV suppers?
EuroSport reminds us of the mythical Ayrton Senna-Alain Prost rivalry:
That Wuthering Heights-esque grand passion, though, is very different to what we see at Mercedes at the moment.  (Carrie Dunn)
Les inRocks (France) interviews the actress Adèle Haenel:
Travailler avec [André] Téchiné, de toute façon j’aurais dis oui direct sans lire le scénar. J’avais vu Les Témoins, Les Roseaux sauvages, Ma saison préférée, Les Sœurs Brontë, et je me suis dit que j’avais intérêt à envoyer. (Serge Kaganski) (Translation)
We think that La Jornada (México) exaggerates a bit too much when it comes to Jane Eyre's influence:
Si Charles Dickens logró cambiar con su Oliver Twist las leyes que martirizaban a los inglesitos pobres y Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë, hizo que las mujeres de Inglaterra se convirtieran en propietarias de tierras, así como García Márquez puso a América Latina en el escenario del mundo con Cien años de soledad, ojalá Ladydi [by Jennifer Clement] consiga cambiar la condición de las niñas mexicanas y centroamericanas robadas y traficadas sexualmente. (Elena Poniatowska) (Translation)
daeandwrite posts about Jane Eyre; the Brontë Parsonage tweets a 1844 drawing by Branwell Brontë.


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