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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:00 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph & Argus talks about last Sunday's BBC Radio 4 programme Open Book who was devoted to the moors as literary landscape:
The trio discussed the sense of freedom the moors provided for the Brontë sisters, and how these authors personified the wild landscape in some of their own literary characters.
John Bowen, a professor of 19th century literature, who took part in the programme, said Haworth Moor during the Brontë's time would have seemed relatively untouched by the modern world, despite being on the edge of a village that was being rapidly changed by the Industrial Revolution.
Mrs Frostrup joked that the Brontë Society plaque at Top Withens, which explains that this building has no resemblance to the Earnshaw Home in the novel Wuthering Heights, could qualify as a winner of the "grumpiest plaque award". (Miran Rahman)
Vanora Bennett discusses Kate Bush songs in The Guardian. Wuthering Heights is not her favourite one but, nevertheless, she says
For instance, her 1978 No 1 single Wuthering Heights rescued Emily Brontë’s novel from languishing dustily on school exam syllabuses, unloved by unmotivated teenage readers, and gave it a new generation of admirers. The plaintive refrain, “Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy, I’ve come home,” brought chillingly back to life the uncanny nightmare episode at the start of the book.
Les inRocks (France) has something to add about the song too:
Dans ce décor sur mesure, Kate Bush cultiverait à l’abri des regards sa psyché torturée de demi-sœur Brontë, elle dont la chanson talisman s’intitule Wuthering Heights (“Les Hauts de Hurlevent”), improbable premier single qui attira vers elle tous les projecteurs lorsqu’elle avait à peine 19 ans. (Christophe Conte) (Translation)
USA Today features a conversation between writers Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Jayne Ann Krentz:
JAK: It's the fact that the reviewers are comparing Heroes Are My Weakness to Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca and even to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre that made you go out and buy a new one, right?
SEP: A girl can't have too many tiaras, and it was the perfect excuse. Heroes is a modern take on those classic Gothic novels we loved.
The Mirror talks about a recent survey about Britain's most popular childhood holiday destination. Scarborough is the fifth most popular:
I haven’t mentioned the magnificent Rotunda Museum housing Gristhorpe Man, a Bronze Age local, the Stephen Joseph Theatre where Alan Ayckbourn’s plays are premiered, writer Anne Brontë’s grave in St Mary’s churchyard, or the spa where the waters have been taken for 300 years, or the shows or the brilliant pubs like the Alma Inn. (Paul Routledge)
Augusta Magazine has an article about TB:
When we think of tuberculosis, we think of Old West outlaws, novels set in 19th-century Europe and afflicted geniuses. We think of Doc Holliday, the Georgia-born dentist and gunfighter who went to the Southwest in hopes of extending his life. We think of Marguerite Gautier, the heroine of Alexandre Dumas’s novel, The Lady of the Camellias. We think of Emily Brontë and George Orwell. (Lucy Adams)
A column in The Herald (Ireland) about why women like helpless guys:
The mismatch between capable, get up and go women and less-than-motivated men is the theme of countless romance novels and even romantic comedies.
Stubborn Mr Rochester, who finally recognises Jane Eyre's love for him when he is blinded and needs a carer.
On Vibe Ghana we read Kwesi Atta Sakyi chronicle his school days:
We had abridged versions of novels by Shakespeare, Emile [sic] Brontë, Charles Dickens, Arabian Nights, Daniel Defoe, Enid Blyton, Sheila Stuart, and of course, our Fante Fie na Skuul Readers by J.A. Annobil, and the Fante Grammar of Function or Mfantse Nkasafuwa Dwumadzi by C.F.C Grant, Nana Bosompo, Prama, and the Nkwantabisa Weekly newspaper.
Novostia (Serbia) talks about an exhibition in Belgrade by the photographer Tomislav Grujičić Ravanjac:
Pomalja se Radnička ulica, simbol Stare Čukarice, sa iščezlim kućercima, "Lazarevački drum sa Đurinom pekarom", fotografija koja ima istorijsku vrednost, dok "Stara zgrada u Zimonjićevoj ulici" kao da je ilustracija za neki roman Emili ili Šarlote Brontë. Na ovom mestu srela su se dva sveta, dva veka, dva načina života. (Translation)
El Diario de Huelva talks about the essay Marco Antonio en Actium by José Orihuela:
Por el ensayo circulan los pensamientos y la palabra escrita de Homero, Plutarco, Pompeyo, Cátulo, Aquiles, Hector, Shakespeare, Hegel, Dumas, Julio Verne, Charlot [sic] Brontë, Pascal, Kovaliov, Fuller, Rostovtzeff, Gracia Alonso, Jordi Cortadella, Margaret George, Massie, Antonio Aguilera, Vicente Picón o el cineasta Joseph L. Mankiewicz entre otros muchos. (Paco Huelva) (Translation)
Che Donna (Italy) lists disastrous marriage proposals:
St. John Rivers e Jane Eyre: pur volendo mettere da parte la consapevolezza che la protagonista del romanzo è destinata a sposare il ricco e affascinante Mr Rochester, l’impacciata proposta del missionario, totalmente priva di qualsiasi romanticismo, può, nel migliore dei casi, limitarsi a strappare un sorriso al lettore e, nel peggiore, far nascere in lui serie perplessità sulla presenza di anche solo un grammo di fascino nell’uomo. Il sunto della proposta sona infatti come “sto per partire missionario e ho bisogno di una compagna, Dio vuole che quella donna sia tu”: ma non era meglio un bel mazzo di fiori e una semplice “vuoi sposarmi”? Almeno rimaneva il dubbio di un sincero sentimento. (Francesca) (Translation)
Nos Folies Littéraires (in French) and Luke McGrath post about Wuthering Heights; Little Miss Trainwreck reviews The Poetic World of Emily Brontë by Laura Inman.


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