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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:25 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
Today is of course the day that the Tour de France passes through Haworth. It's an event that has been in the making about a year! The Telegraph and Argus looks at what's happening today, such as the locations the riders will be passing through.
Other highlights include the cobbles of the picture-postcard High Street of Haworth, home of the Brontë sisters.
KCRA 3 points out the same thing and provides some background on the Brontës:
Britain's love affair with the Tour de France was rekindled when its 101st edition started Saturday in a region famed for the literary works of the Brontë sisters and the rugged terrain which provided the setting for their most famous novels. [...]
The second leg Sunday will indeed see the peloton speed through the small town of Haworth where the Brontë's -- Charlotte, Emily and Ann (sic) -- lived in the early 19th century.
Their most famous works, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and the Tenant of Wildfell Hall are literary classics set against the backdrop of the wild and windswept moors that surround their birthplace in the West Riding. (Paul Gittings)
The Daily Beast looks at some of Yorkshire's most famous facts.
And it is hard to think of any greater challenge to the soul than the cultural terrain of Yorkshire: the excruciating passions of Wuthering Heights, tortured love in which landscape and climate form essential elements of the torture. This is literature born in the frigid air of the parsonage. In a group portrait, the Bronte sisters—Emily who delivered Wuthering Heights, Charlotte who delivered Jane Eyre, and Anne The Tentant of Wildfell Hall— exude a dark, introverted vision of 19th century enslaved womanhood that only the bleakness of the Yorkshire moors could validate.
The Brontës laid a basic foundation of what has become the Yorkshire brand: A forbidding and yet majestic land in which masochism is an essential part of character building. (Clive Irving)
La Verdad (Spain) also describes Yorkshire:
Yorkshire es un condado verde y oscuro, de lluvia y viento, el escenario de 'Cumbres Borrascosas', la historia brutal, pasional, escrita por Emily Brontë. (J. Gómez Peña) (Translation)
The Guardian also describes the atmosphere and landscapes:
Later, as the riders went over Côte de Cray and the Côte de Buttertubs, the crowds were so close they could breathe on the peloton.
It could have been the Pyrenées or the Alps, not Heathcliff country. (Sean Ingle)
The Independent wonders which is better: Yorkshire or France and lists the Brontës among the famous people from Yorkshire.

Le Monde (France) compares Mark Cavendish and Chris Froome to Cathy and Heathcliff.
Emportés par la fièvre du maillot jaune, le Yorkshire s'est déplacé en masse pour applaudir les coureurs et la caravane du Tour. Sur le tronçon entre Leyburn et Ripon, un jeune couple encourage ses stars, Mark Cavendish et Chris Froome. Elle est frêle et gantée, lui est en redingote et hautes bottes. Seraient-ils Heathcliff et Cathy, les héros des Hauts du Hurlevent ? (Marc Roche) (Translation)
TV Visie has an article about the Tour's Grand Départ.

Well, that's all about the Tour... for now, we expect.

Kate Mosse picks Wuthering Heights as a timeless holiday read for the Daily Mail.
In its time Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (Penguin Classics, £6.99) was also seen as transgressive and challenging. I’ve read the novel in every decade of my life and find something new every time. 
The Guardian also features Caitlin Moran and her new book How to Build a Girl.
"[...] Right, that's done," he said, standing up and looking at the bike. "You off to the library?"
"I suppose. While it's still there," I said, morosely. I'd got the new Terry Pratchett reserved, but it seemed rather futile to go and collect it now, given that I might die before I finished it. Perhaps I'd just reread Jane Eyre instead.
DVD Talk reviews the film The Lost Moment and thinks that,
It would seem that in the wake of success of both the 1939 version of Wuthering Heights and perhaps even more so Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca in 1940, a slew of brooding romantic period pieces followed. (Jamie S. Rich)
STV quotes from an interview by Radio Times Magazine to film director John Carey where he said,
''Outside of chick lit, couples don't just walk off into the sunset together - not in anything that has ever moved me, anyway. Look at 'Wuthering Heights', or 'Anna Karenina', or 'Brief Encounter' - complex, compromised love is far truer to life. Difficult relationships and unfulfilled love are what interest me as a storyteller.''
Music Times considers Kate Bush as on of six pop stars that 'went avant-garde'.
Kate Bush's music has always been eccentric, but this didn't hold her back from commercial success in the '70s and '80s. With her debut single "Wuthering Heights," Bush became the first female artist to hit number one on the UK charts with a self-written song, but her music gradually became stranger.
The Brontë Parsonage Facebook page is asking for your favourite Emily Brontë poem.


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