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Saturday, July 19, 2014

The film rights of Jolien Janzing's De Meester (The Master), a fictional account of the Brontës in Brussels have been sold according to this press release:
I am very pleased to announce you that the Film Rights of The Master/De Meester, a beautiful historical novel about the secret love of Charlotte Brontë written by Jolien Janzing have been sold to DAVID P. KELLY FILMS LIMITED. This is absolutely wonderful news and sometimes two excellent things happen around the same time. The Turkish rights have also been sold and this to Güldünya Yayınları. (...)
An integral English translation is now available.
(via Brontë Parsonage Blog / Brontë Society)

The Independent asks several literary figures about their favourite fictional character:
Jane Eyre
Chosen by China Miéville (King Rat) Charlotte Brontë's heroine towers over those around her, morally, intellectually and aesthetically; she's completely admirable and compelling. Never camp, despite her Gothic surrounds, she takes a scalpel to the skin of the every day. (Jess Denham)
Houston Chronicle lists famous authors with just one novel:
Emily Brontë: First published under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, "Wuthering Heights" is a devastating love story that takes place on the Yorkshire moors. Heathcliff runs away when the young woman he loves, Cathy, decides to marry someone else. He returns years later to avenge the families who caused his unhappiness. Emily Jane Brontë, sister of Charlotte, published "Wuthering Heights," in 1847. The following year, Emily Brontë died of tuberculosis at age 30. (Maggie Galehouse)
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner publishes a top ten of Yorkshire parks:
Tucked away in Birstall, Oakwell Hall is a sprawling country park boasting woodland trails, pretty picnic areas and lots of wide open fields for football, rounders and cricket (all three of which you'll probably see being played in summer).
There's also an adventure playground and two educational visitor centres where youngsters can learn about the different wildlife that live in the park's woodlands and ponds.
The historic hall - popular with Brontë fans, as it was the inspiration for Fieldhead in Charlotte Brontë's Shirley - recreates life in the Elizabethan era, while the nearby barn hosts craft sessions and other fun activities.
An onsite cafe serves hot and cold food, drinks, cakes and ice creams - but there's plenty of space to enjoy a picnic too.  (Samantha Robinson)
The Guardian reviews Hidden Knowledge by Bernardine Bishop:
The trio of siblings of which Roger is the youngest provide a parallel narrative of hidden knowledge and difficult choices. He was excluded from the Brontë-like world of make-believe and storytelling that Romola and her brother Hereward indulged in. (Gerard Woodward)
Mackenzie Broderick talks about... her hair in The Huffinton Post:
When I let my hair down, I envision Jane Eyre wandering through the moors, Lady Godiva riding through Coventry, a Pre-Raphaelite painting. But the epitaph that gets thrown my way the most is dirty hippie.
The image is more likely to be Catherine Earnshaw than Jane Eyre but anyway.

This Slate article by Molly Pohlig about dating when you have mental issues is quite interesting and contains a Brontë reference in passing:
It's been years since I've been faced with the question of when to tell someone promising, Hey, there’s maybe a few things you should know. My M.O. has long been to fess up immediately. This can come off as sort of romantic, in a Wuthering Heights, Lykke Li ballad kind of a way. But quickly guys realize that what might be absorbing on the page or on Spotify is both tiresome and scary in real life.
The Globe and Mail reviews A Creature of Moonlight by Rebecca Hahn:
More about character and coming of age than the high-fantasy elements reveal, it is a perfect read for those who enjoyed both Seraphina as well as Wuthering Heights. (Lauren Bride)
The Brontë Liqueur news reach new heights, even in Sweden. Svenska Dagbladet says:
Kanske kommer dess smak att påminna om hederna kring Thrushcross Grange i ”Svindlande höjder”, eller det mörka huset Thornfield från "Jane Eyre" - åtminstone kan det vara vad som eftersträvas när Sir James Aykroyd, en brittisk sprittillverkare, nu lanserar en likör baserad på systrana Emily, Charlotte och Anne Brontës författarskap, vari toner av vildhonung, jasmin, björnbär och slånbär utlovas. Denna dryck ska heller inte behöva förtäras i onödan; en del av inkomsterna från försäljningen kommer att gå direkt till Brontë-sällskapet, för att bidra till de tre författarnas minne. Sir James Aykroyd, som köpte rättigheterna till likören för över fyrtio år sedan, har via sin familj kopplingar till Brontë-museet i Yorkshire och säger att han planerar lansera likören bland annat i Skandinavien, skriver The Drinks Report. (Henrik Sahl Johansson) (Translation)
The SubClub Books interviews the author Emma Chase:
Favourite Book – Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë & Gentle Rogue by Johanna Lindsey
What characters would you want with you…
Hiking in the woods – Hareton Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
The Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News talks about the Halton Ramblers visit to Haworth;  Go Fug Yourself recommends the Acorn Classic Collection which includes Jane Eyre 1997; Des Lires Des Toiles (in French) reviews Jane Eyre; Literatur (in German) posts about Agnes Grey;  Renaissance Now publishes a Google+ story with images from the rehearsal of their piece Wuthering Heights Remembered, part of Wing to the Rooky Wood which will be presented at the upcoming FringeNYC2014. Elokuvia ajassa, tilassa ja listalla (in Finnish) reviews Wuthering Heights 1939.

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