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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:19 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Caitlin Moran in Marie Claire lists her favourite five books. Sadly, it seems that the writer of the article has a problem with her Brontës.
Jane Eyre by Emily Brontë
She wasn’t beautiful, but ‘plain as you are’ and very ordinary and working class. But what I liked about Jane Eyre was the idea that you could create yourself – you’re not at the mercy of your heritage or your parentage. If you ask yourself what Jane Eyre would do, you can’t go far wrong.
The Washington Post reviews Muriel Spark's The Informed Air and traces a profile of the author:
The pieces in “The Informed Air” remind us that Spark became a novelist only in her 30s. Before turning to fiction, she wrote poetry, important biographical studies of Mary Shelley, the Brontë sisters and John Masefield, and did a good deal of reviewing. But in 1951 she impulsively entered a short-story contest that offered a prize of 250 pounds. After scribbling “The Seraph and the Zam­besi” in just one afternoon, Spark then borrowed some needed typing paper from a small art dealer’s shop, promising that if she won, she would come back and buy a picture. She did win. (Michael Dirda)
The Delaware News-Journal reviews the comedian Sandra Bernhardt stand-in show:
Whatever you say about the big-lipped Bernhard, she is an original – almost to a fault. Only an original would concoct Twitter wars between Jane Eyre and Nicki Minaj, Joan of Arc and Snooki. (Margie Fishman)
A Brontë reference in this article on GhanaWeb:
Hey, wraithlike reminiscences, O Great People of the World, you mean? Where is Heathcliff, the Byronic hero of Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights”? Wraithlike reminiscences! Inferiority complex! Psychological, cultural, spiritual neo-colonialism!  (Francis Kwarteng)
Everyday Should Be Saturday is clearly not a reader of this blog:
It's spectacular, and I would totally watch a rebooted version because there's no way in hell I'm reading "Wuthering Heights" and would much prefer a dog explain it to me. (cjanerun01)
Lo Spazio Blanco (Italy) reviews the Italian translation of Jane, le renard et moi:
Il rifugio sono i libri, e soprattutto Jane Eyre, un’eroina un po’ storta che a passo a passo riesce a riscattarsi, e che illumina di colore i tragitti in autobus di Helene.
La nostra protagonista, invece, deve affrontare ancora qualche passaggio prima di raggiungere lo stesso destino e incominciare a vedere il mondo a colori: un’ultima prova, una gita di classe, ancora qualche umiliazione, e poi un incontro nel bosco con la volpe del titolo, un esserino rosso e tenero che le riporta in dono la possibilità di comunicare profondamente con un altro essere umano. Da lì, come per magia (o per miracolo, come dice la protagonista), dopo l’(auto)emarginazione Helene ricomincia a fare amicizia e il suo mondo rifiorisce di colori. (Elena Orlandi) (Translation)
AEnetwork (Italy) talks about our obsession with putting labels to everything/everyone:
Senza andare ad immaginare lotte a suon di “n00b” ottocentesche tra lettrici di Jane Austen contro quelli delle sorelle Bronteë, anche nella letteratura cosiddetta “bassa” si è assistito a qualcosa di simile con Twilight vs Harry Potter, o addirittura alla terrificante guerra civile tra Team Jacob vs Team Edward. (Andrea Sarchielli) (Translation)
The Times' opinion column mentions Charlotte Brontë;  Cathy Cullis uploads her own painting Tea with the Brontës; Coffee Sugar Lemonades visits Haworth;  Putting life into woods visits Hathersage and its Charlotte Brontë connections; Elegance of Fashion reviews Jane Eyre 2011; Whizba compares Jane Eyre 2006 and Jane Eyre 2011; Chelly Wood posts about Jane Eyre.


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