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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 10:16 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Here's how Capital Gazette describes Yorkshire:
Yorkshire is a land of meandering rivers, two-lane roads, hedgerows, green unspoiled countryside and small villages identified by Ptolemys Geographia in AD 150. This is Brontë country of “Wuthering Heights” and stormy moors, and Herriot country of “All Things Great and Small” and Bradford country of “A Woman of Substance,” one of the Top 10 best selling novels in history. If you are a fan, you see Yorkshire in Downton Abbey. It is filmed there. (Ellen Moyer)
The Independent discusses books and happy endings.
We love heroes and heroines from Peter Rabbit to Harry Potter because we know that no matter how bad things get, they will return stronger and happier through what they've learnt, and that their experiences will enable them to restore justice. Every work of fiction that we take to our hearts, up to and including Jane Eyre, The Odyssey or Pride and Prejudice, follows this template. A great work of tragic fiction brings about catharsis, but on the whole, we need the consolations of children's fiction far more. (Amanda Craig)
Cinema Blend mentions briefly Michael Fassbender's role as Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre 2011.
Michael Fassbender won our attention as a swaggering cinephile in Inglorious Basterds. He broke our hearts as the dangerous object of desire in Fish Tank, and made them swell as the broken Rochester of Jane Eyre. (Kristy Puchko)
The New Zealand Herald wishes designer Kate Sylvester a happy birthday and reminds us of the fact that,
her eyewear collections would be named like a recommended reading list - Sylvia (Plath), Harper (Lee), all the Brontës and the Mitfords. (Stacy Gregg)
New Age Mama reviews Jane Eyre 1997; Scribbles and Wanderlust  and Eccentric Lady (in Dutch) devote posts to the original novel and Oh, the myriad words posts about Wide Sargasso Sea. The Emotional Body comes to interesting conclusions in the study of emotions through a quote from Jane Eyre.


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