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Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Telegraph & Argus mentions the Tour-related street art that has been appearing in Yorskhire:
Banksy-style street art has been popping up mysteriously along the route of the Tour de France.
The life-sized stencilled artworks, which depict Yorkshire icons riding bikes, are the handiwork of a London-based artist who goes by the name of 'Stewy'.
They have so far cropped up in Haworth, Cross Roads and Keighley as well as other parts of Yorkshire.
In both Keighley and Cross Roads, an image of Bradford's David Hockney has appeared. The art legend is pictured on a traditional push-bike, ringing his bell and smoking a cigarette.
Meanwhile the Brontë sisters have all piled aboard a cycle rickshaw, in an image spotted in Haworth. (Claire Armstrong)
Female First publishes a period film top ten, including Jane Eyre 2011:
Mia Wasikowska takes the lead in Cory (sic) Fukunaga’s beautifully crafted, minimal adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s classic.
When the modest Jane Eyre (Wasikowska) arrives at Thornfield to take the position of governess, her relationship with her employer Mr Rochester (a hugely underrated performance by Michael Fassbender) rapidly crosses the professional boundary- until she discovers he’s harbouring a devastating secret.
The pairing of Wasikowska and Fassbender is what really makes this movie; they are simply perfect as Jane and Rochester. Fassbender in particular is enthralling to watch.
Now this may be a story that we have seen so many times but director Cary Fukunaga has brought a very fresh feel to this adaptation.
Jane Eyre is such a finely crafted movie that is filled with atmosphere and intrigue as well as fear and passion. (Helen Earnshaw)
Contactmusic reviews the film Belle:
With a plot that feels like it comes from a Jane Austen or Charlotte Brontë novel and first-rate production values, the British period drama Belle takes the genre deeper by infusing everything with a timely political topic. (Rich Cline)
The Guardian reviews The Trip to Echo Spring: On Writers and Drinking: Why Writers Drink by Olivia Laing. Jean Rhys is an obvious candidate:
During the war, Rhys vanished yet again from public view, re-emerging in 1956 after the BBC ran an advert looking for information on the author believed to be dead. She spent the 1960s shipwrecked in the aptly named Landboat Bungalows in Devon, living with her third husband, the nervy Max Hamer, who had been in prison for fraud and was now invalided after a stroke. In this dismal period, Rhys was tormented by extremes of poverty and depression and also by her neighbours, who believed she was a witch. She was briefly put in a mental hospital after attacking one of them with a pair of scissors. The drinking continued unabated, worse than before. All the same, she was working away on a new novel, Wide Sargasso Sea, a prequel to Jane Eyre that drew on her childhood in the Caribbean, her feelings of being an outsider, left out in the cold by the icy, inscrutable English.
Durham Times interviews Richard Main from Chapterhouse Theatre Company. The company will tour with a new adaptation of Wuthering Heights this summer:
Staging Emily Brontë’s classic love story, Wuthering Heights at Durham Gala Theatre, using the setting of the mysterious wilderness of the Yorkshire moors, is next for the company.
It’s a new adaptation by the award -winning writer Laura Turner, says Main.
“We’re all very excited about it. We are used to doing lighter classics like the Austens, but this is a piece of strong theatre that has still got that romance, but it is so much more intense. I must say too that Durham Gala is one of my favourites theatres in the country. (Helen Brown)
The Vancouver Sun reviews the novel The Delusionist by Grant Buday:
Say “It’s a coming-of-age story” and any listener will probably imagine a young person (a Frodo, a Jane Eyre, a Stephen Daedalus) and picture the setbacks and victories they encounter on the more or less sure-footed route to maturity. (Brett Josef Grubisic)
And the San Francisco Chronicle reviews The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Tom Rachman:
On the spectrum of interesting literary childhoods, Tooly Zylberberg - the protagonist of Tom Rachman's second novel - would rank somewhere in the vicinity of Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist. (Michael David Lukas)
Billboard publishes the story of a particularly successful One Direction fan-fiction saga:
"After" imagines a bad-boy punk version of [Harry] Styles falling for sheltered college freshman Tessa, whose world is upended by their relationship. [Anna] Todd put the story up in daily installments - some 300 short chapters spread out across three volumes - on the relatively new Wattpad, where it was an almost instant hit. Wattpad's Ashleigh Gardner says that even before Todd finished the first volume, "After" was registering all over the company's internal social media metrics, with fan-generated art and custom musical playlists popping up on Twitter and Instagram. When Todd mentioned "Pride and Prejudice" or "Wuthering Heights" in "After," Wattpad had spikes in the reads (how the company counts clicks) on those novels on its site. (Andy Lewis)
The author Yvonne Cassidy writes in The Irish Times:
I’d like to say that in my teens I devoured Jane Austen and the Brontës but I’d be lying: I was more of a Judy Blume and Agatha Christie kind of girl. Classics scared me with their old-fashioned words and tiny print and it wasn’t until fifth year that my English teacher opened them up for me so I could see the world these writers lived in wasn’t so different from mine.
Caitlin Moran in The Times discusses how to read if you have kids:
“Where would I find the time?” I tetched at inquisitors – a sorrowful committee of literary characters in my head, who were sad that I didn’t hang out with them any more.
It’s all right for you, Gandalf, Jane Eyre, Oswald Bastable, Boo Radley and the sexy blokes out of Riders,” I continued, as they looked accusatory. “You’re all childless. You don’t have to walk in the p***ing rain to the nursery, then get back in time to put a wash."
Well, Jane Eyre doesn't end her novel childless, but we get the point.

Film Journal interviews the film director John Carney:
No, I don’t mean that it’s just a baby thing. You are ultimately going to mess someone’s life up. You’re going to make them pregnant. Or you’re going to make them crazy, or you’re going to make them jealous. You’re not going to make them go ‘La la la la la.’ Right? Like, Wuthering Heights or Anna Karenina. Are they happy? But they’re the greatest love stories ever told.”
Ultimately, “do I think it’s possible to have a love story with a happy ending? No.” (Anna Storm)
Dagens Næringsliv (Norway) celebrates the Norwegian translation of Junichirō Tanizaki's Sasami Yuki. We read the following:
Mottagelsen av «Søstrene Makioka», som startet som en føljetong i 1943, kan kanskje lide litt under dette. Visst er miljøet som skildres annerledes enn i «Stolthet og fordom», men det er også miljøet som beskrives i bøkene til de amerikanske Brontë-søstrene. Det spesifikt japanske i «Søstrene Makioka» er ikke mer spesifikt enn at enhver leser med innlevelsesevne kjenner seg igjen i hovedpersonene som i hvilken som helst annen roman. (Bjørn Gabrielsen(Translation)
We hope that what we are reading is just a problem with the translation. If not, the blunder is quite spectacular.

Two Libreriamo lists: Books to read at least once in a lifetime:
Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë – La storia d’amore più romantica e anti eroica di tutti i tempi. “Cime tempestose” ha scosso il cuore di tantissime lettrici. Considerando che è l’unico romanzo scritto da Emily Brontë è doveroso leggerlo almeno una volta nella vita…non è semplice, ma vi conquisterà. (Translation)
And another one of classics 'difficult to read' (?!):
Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë - Molte delle esperienze dell'autrice ricorrono nei romanzi che scrisse, dei quali "Jane Eyre" è il più celebre. Jane, esplicito alter ego della scrittrice, dopo anni di stenti e di solitudine, diventa istitutrice presso la famiglia Rochester. Il cinico padrone di casa è conquistato dalla personalità della ragazza. Ma quando scopre che la moglie di Rochester, creduta morta, è ancora in vita, prigioniera della pazzia, Jane fugge abbandonando l'uomo che le aveva chiesto di sposarlo. Sarà un enigmatico presentimento a farla tornare indietro e a preparare lo sviluppo finale del romanzo
Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë - È questa un'opera del tutto isolata nella tradizione narrativa inglese. In essa l'aspro realismo del quotidiano vive di misteriose e inquietanti tensioni onirico-simboliche e di cupe fiammate emotive, all'interno di una struttura narrativa di grande saldezza ed efficacia. Vi domina la figura di Heathcliff il quale, animato da una passione distruttiva, svolge nel libro la funzione "fatale" del vendicatore spietato, vero "replicante" di tante devastanti figure del gothic novel britannico; ma il suo tirannico porsi come l'inflessibile dark hero nasce da una disperata infelicità di fondo e lo porta a vivificare la propria morte con quella della donna amata, in una sorta di aspirazione erotico-panteistica che conferisce alla sua figura dimensioni assolutamente inedite. (Martina Brunetti) (Translation)
Dirigido (Spain) reviews the film I Thank A Fool (Robert Stevens, 1962):
Estoy apuntando a que en Conspiración para matar (donde, por cierto, no hay ninguna conspiración) trata de ser un film de misterio por mucho que se oculte que en el fondo se trate de una variación (otra) sobre "Jane Eyre", con el protagonismo de una mansión sombría, un marido atormentado, una esposa enferma y una dama que acude allí para cuidar de esta. (José Mª Latorre) (Translation)
Librópatas (in Spanish) shares some Jane Eyre illustrations;  Lydia Perling talks about the novel. Misty Khine uploads a video of a performance of the Orchesis Dance Company's Spring Show 2014:
A traditional ballet piece depicting the early life of Jane Eyre choreographed by Liza Tedford.


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