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Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014 10:06 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The Huffington Post lists '6 Types of Aggravating Readers', one of which is
1. The Classics. This particular breed of reader is actually usually somewhat intelligent. They have a vast knowledge of Shakespeare, Melville, Dickens and the Brontë sisters. At first, these creatures may seem to be nostalgic, a rare anomaly in the population of readers.
But then they tell you that they don't read past the 19th century because "books that were written after their precious 19th century tomes are not art."
Yes, apparently Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Joyce were just a bunch of hacks who threw words together in order to make a few pennies. (Steven Petite)
Simon Jenkins writes about Yorkshire in The Guardian:
Yorkshire's geology of hard gritstone pushes up through its fields and coats its buildings. Grit also defines its writers, from Brontë to Priestley and Hughes, its architects and its opening batsmen.
An article on weather in CTV News Atlantic explains what a 'pathetic fallacy' is and uses Wuthering Heights to provide an example:
There are many examples of pathetic fallacy tucked away in classic literature.
Emily Brontë’s novel “Wuthering Heights” is full of pathetic fallacies. The title itself shows the use of this device:  “Wuthering Heights” means uproarious and aggressive weather that represents the nature of its residents. There are lots of instances in the novel in which the mood of nature portrays the nature of events in the narrative. For example, the stormy weather outside when “Cathy” makes a choice between “Heathcliff and “Edgar” indicates her inner turmoil. (Cindy Day)
The Financial Express (India) finds similarities between Jane Eyre and the 'current romance between political parties and media channels'.
In the great Charlotte Brontë novel Jane Eyre, the eponymous heroine, a governess at Thornfield Hall, finds herself falling in love with the gloomy master, Mr Rochester. The course of true love is marked by strange happenings, mysterious fires, weird laughter and then a wild-looking woman rips apart Jane’s bridal veil. At the wedding, the truth comes out. All along Mr Rochester was hiding a first wife, who is mad, in the attic. Jane flees.
In the current romance between political parties and media channels, poor Prasar Bharati finds itself cast in the tragic role of the first wife in the attic. [...]
The concept of a public service broadcaster is ill-understood as a reading of the recent Pitroda report on Prasar Bharati reveals and so long as political parties have access to their own controlled media channels, Prasar Bharati must be content to remain in the attic like the first Mrs Rochester. (Brijeshwar Singh)
NL News features the Clarenville High drama group:
The Clarenville High drama group is getting ready to head to the provincial high school drama festival May 22-25 at LPSU Hall in St. John’s.
The group won Best Overall Production for the second year in a row at the regional high school drama festival for their play Jane Eyre: Life at Lowood.
The play is an adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, and chronicles Jane Eyre’s younger days as a student at a poor boarding school. [...]
The story is told through a series of flashbacks narrated by an elderly Jane, played by senior student Mackenzie Dove. Brandy Murphy played the role of young Jane and earned best lead actress for her performance.
Dove says the victory came as a welcome surprise in the face of stiff competition from other local schools at the Vista Regional Drama Fest.
“We didn’t assume we had it in the bag, but we were all very pleased with the outcome. We are excited to be off to the provincials again to represent our region,” says Dove. (Kevin Curley)
The Sydney Morning Herald is giving away two nights at O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat where apparently you can
gaze out the window seat on the other side of the room with Brontë-esque concentration.
Whatever that means.

Independent Readings writes about Heather Vogel Frederick's Wish You Were Eyre. Emily Organ shares five reasons why she loves Wuthering Heights.


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