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Monday, May 05, 2014

Monday, May 05, 2014 8:21 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus reports on the most recent event to have been organised by the Brontë Society:
Haworth visitors took a literary look at the First World War.
The Brontë Society hosted a study day showcasing the writings of men and women who were inspired by the conflict.
The event, entitled War On Words, is part of the Brontë Parsonage Museum’s season to commemorate the war’s centenary.
Charmian Knight and Luke Spencer, who regularly lead educational sessions for the society, worked with about 15 students.
Luke discussed work written by some of the best-known poets of the First World War, who included the likes of Wilfred Owen.
Charmian explored the writings of women, both during the war and in the years after it.
Brontë Parsonage Museum arts officer Louisa Briggs said: “There were people who were specifically interested in literature around the First World War, as well as people with a general interest.”
Louisa said Charmian explored the work of both well-known writers like Virginia Woolf, as well as those who most people would not be familiar with.
She added: “Everyone’s lives were affected by the war. Some of the writing was a reflection on the war written afterwards.”
The Scotsman interviews children's author Jacqueline Wilson:
All the books I adore – as disparate as Jane Eyre, David Copperfield, Crime And Punishment, The Bell Jar – are all first person. You get an immediacy, and it’s easier to get the tone right. (Janet Christie)
The book Hell Hath No Fury is still being talked about on sites like Flavorwire and The Daily Californian

Magicandmystery and Adoublethinker posts about Jane Eyre.


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