
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, April 13, 2014

What's Peen Seen? reviews the Rosemary Branch Theatre Wuthering Heights adaptation:
Where to start? I am bursting with praise for this production. As soon as you enter the modest pub theatre you feel as though you have stepped into another world. Foliage adorns the fireplace and furniture, and a thick fog lingers in the air. The hypnotic score and haunting sound effects, provided by the irrefutably talented Benedict Davis and Matt Eaton respectively, top off this ethereal atmosphere. (...)
This is a gift of a production. [Helen] Tennison has used this strong company to their advantage. She mixes the themes of destructive love and social expectations into this haunting play, adding in hints of her own movement background to create a beautiful and expressive spectacle. I cannot wait to see what this company does next. (Jess Nesling)
Il Manifesto (Italy) reviews the Italian translation of Jane, le renard et moi:
Pro­fon­da­mente poe­tica, Jane, la volpe & io delle cana­desi Isa­belle Arse­nault (illu­stra­trice) e Fanny Britt (autrice) è una gra­phic novel por­tata in Ita­lia da Mon­da­dori (pp. 100, euro 16) che l’anno scorso è stata indi­cata tra le prime dieci più belle del 2013 dal New York Times. In effetti, lo è sul serio. Vuoi per quei «riqua­dri» in un bianco e nero anti­chiz­zante, o leg­ger­mente sep­piati, che ren­dono uni­ver­sale la sen­sa­zione di soli­tu­dine di qual­siasi ado­le­scente (con le incur­sioni del colore quando entra in scena Jane Eyre, alter-ego e imma­gine di un riscatto pos­si­bile), vuoi per il testo che sot­to­li­nea la malin­co­nia esi­sten­ziale della pro­ta­go­ni­sta, che vede sbia­dire la sua iden­tità e il suo pre­ce­dente mondo, giorno dopo giorno. (Arianna DiGenova) (Translation)
vvb32 reads reviews Always Emily by Michaela MacColl; My Reading Journal has read Elizabeth Gaskell's Life of Charlotte Brontë; BuzzFeed compiles some appalling one-star  reviews of classics (Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights included); The Bees Knees Daily shares a Hollywood Magazine cover of May 1939 with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon as Heathcliff and Catherine.


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