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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014 10:00 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
The Brontë Parsonage website has an article on the recent celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Brontë Society at Christie's in London:
The Brontë Society celebrated their 120th anniversary at Christie’s in London this week with a lively reception attended by over 100 guests including the Sandy Nairne, Director of the National Portrait Gallery, the Countess of Harewood, the Earl Waldegrave and writers Claire Harman, Lucy Hughes-Hallett and Jenny Uglow.
Speeches were given by Rebecca Fraser, Charlotte Brontë biographer and former President, Sally McDonald, Chair of The Brontë Society and Professor Ann Sumner, Executive Director of The Brontë Society. Ann reminded guests that the first meeting of Council was in January 1894 and the second in February 1894 where membership rates were set at half a crown and that by March £14 had been raised!
The evening saw the launch of a new Patrons scheme to help raise support for future exciting plans in the 120th year. Sir James Aykroyd, great grandson of Sir James Roberts who purchased the Parsonage and presented it to The Society in 1928, also launched his new Brontë liqueur at the event. Each bottle sold will include a donation to the Society. All at the reception enjoyed tasting the new liqueur. Amongst the guests Jenny McKinley from Scala Publishing was also there to celebrate the launch of our new guide book.
Guests enjoyed Yorkshire inspired canapes and Timothy Taylor beer as well as wine which Scala Publishing kindly donated.They raised their glasses to toast the Society and to thank Christie’s for their hospitality.
We would like to thank everyone invloved in the organisation of the event and for all contributions and donations. We would particularly like to thank Christie's for hosting the event and we look forward to celebrating the 120th year.
There are pictures both on the website and the Facebook page.

IGN imagines the would-be favourite videogames of ten literary characters, including Heathcliff's.
Heathcliff - Dark Souls
Although he practices outward destruction, it's self-loathing and a deep-rooted sense of inadequacy that drives Wuthering Heights' Heathcliff. It's only by playing Dark Souls, a game that is often as painful as bashing your head repeatedly against a tree trunk, that he can find an outlet for his self-hating fury. As an outcast, shunned and abused since childhood, enduring its grueling struggle just feels right to him. He grimly enjoys Dark Souls' state of 'hollow' being – with forbidden love resting in death and a twisted vengeance up for grabs in life, he likes the idea of having a foot in both camps. For Heathcliff, From Software’s brutal hardcore darling presents a cruel, violent exercise in self-abuse on one hand, and a comfort blanket on the other. Aww, it's sweet in a way. (Matt Suckley)
The Financial Chronicle takes a more serious route and mentions Wuthering Heights in an article discussing marriage.
Which is not to say soul mates are off the radar. The idea of soulmates, mooted by classics like Wuthering Heights, Anna Karenina, Romeo and Juliet and co, has hoisted this entwined emblem of a double-headed entity with grim smiles two for all to pine for and sigh over. Which shifts the focus off marriages and sings us the ‘perfect mate’ lullaby, condensed mostly in unrequited love, extramarital affairs and other tragic tales. (Shinie Antony)
The Tour de France stages in Yorkshire later this year have inspired a poetry collection, as reported by the Yorkshire Post.
The organisers of next month’s Otley Word Feast have published a book of cycling poetry. [...]
The Oxygen of Words and Wheels references some significant literary Yorkshire locations (‘I creak up to Heptonstall where Sylvia lies in the fierce flames of her talent/... And I freewheel.../back to the Brontë moors to listen for Heathcliff’) and 
Le Tour d’Otley is written entirely in Franglais (‘Sithee lads, je pense that nous/Should get oursens out on la rue’). The book is available to buy on the festival website and at Chevin Cycles, Just Books and Browse Time in Otley. Any profits from the sale of the book will go towards Word Feast. (Yvette Huddleston)
The National Post reviews the novel Local Customs by Audrey Thomas where
There are superficial resonances with Wide Sargasso Sea, though Thomas is here not quite Rhys’ equal in forcing her way under the reader’s skin. (Trilby Kent)
La Vanguardia (Spain) interviews Amy Tan and asks her about the literary character with which she identifies the most:
¿Con qué personaje literario se identifica de un modo especial? Probablemente con Jane Eyre, en cuya soledad y necesidad de labrarse su propio camino encontré profundos ecos de mí misma. (Antonio Lozano) (Translation)
The Tampa Bay Times mourns the death of William Scheuerle, 'a force for liberal arts at USF', whose
passions included the novels of George Eliot, Charles Dickens and Emily and Charlotte Brontë; antiquarian book fairs; Victorian magazines and the work of printer and illustrator George Baxter. (Andrew Meacham)
The Lansing State Journal features ''Masterpiece' master' Rebecca Eaton.
She grew up as a California girl, even if she didn’t fit the image. “I was reading about Mr. Darcy and Mr. Rochester when everyone else was going to the beach.”
And then she found her place. She brings these fictional people — Darcy in “Pride and Prejudice,” Rochester in “Jane Eyre” — to the U.S. (Mike Hughes)
The American Reader shares a very touching letter from Charlotte to Ellen Nussey written on February 21st, 1855. The Paperback Princess posts about Syrie James's The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Brontë.


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