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Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014 8:06 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus has an article on the Brontë Society's 120th anniversary and the recent event at Christie's.
A series of events are planned by the Brontë Society as it celebrates its 120th birthday.
Activities will be held worldwide throughout the year.
And the thriving literary organisation got festivities off the ground [...] when items from the Brontë archive went on show at Christie’s in London.
Among the exhibits admired by guests was a miniature portrait of Mrs Hudson, produced by Charlotte Brontë, which was recently bought by the society.
The Brontë Society held its first meeting in Bradford on December 16, 1893. More than 50 people attended. It resolved to establish a museum to contain Brontë family items and editions of their work.
The first museum opened two years later in the former Yorkshire Penny Bank, at the top of Haworth Main Street – now home to the visitor information centre. But it quickly became clear there was insufficient space, and in 1928, the collections were moved into the original parsonage, which had been put up for sale by the Church of England.
And that is where the museum has remained since.
Sally McDonald, chairman of the Brontë Council, said: “Members of the society are very proud to be celebrating their 120th anniversary, and will be marking it not only in Haworth but around the world. We see ourselves as having a unique role, being simultaneously a literary society and a charity that owns and runs a world-renowned museum.
“From the start, members have come together to promote interest in the lives and works of the Brontës, but today activities are not limited to Haworth.
“Members in London, Northern Ireland, Europe, America, Canada and Australia each put together annual programmes of activities – the editor of our newsletter lives in New England, USA, and the editor of our academic journal is based in Calgary, Canada.”
Professor Ann Sumner, the society’s executive director, said: “We wish all our members a very happy 120th birthday, and hope visitors will celebrate with us this very special occasion.
“We are delighted the society is flourishing, and we’re looking forward to a year of exciting activity.
“We have a long and fascinating history, as well as great opportunities ahead with the upcoming bicentenaries from 2016, when we celebrate the bicentenary of Charlotte Brontë.” (Alistair Shand)
Bedfordshire on Sunday has a very brief review/comment on the new local production of Polly Teale's Brontë:
Fact meets fiction in Polly Teale’s imaginative play about the three Brontë sisters and their hopelessly self-destructive brother, Branwell.
Some very powerfully passionate novels were written in that lonely parsonage on the bleak Yorkshire Moors. In Teale’s play, some of literature’s most vibrant characters escape the pages to haunt their creators. Knowing the Brontë books helps but it’s still a fascinating subject even if you don’t. (Judy Riley)
Les inRocks (France) discusses the book Il existe d’autres mondes and particularly the essay Et si les oeuvres changeaient d’auteur ? by Pierre Bayard.
De livre en livre, Bayard lui-même échafaude une histoire parallèle de la littérature, déminant par l’absurde les évidences pour faire vaciller nos certitudes, comme dans Et si les oeuvres changeaient d’auteur ? Cette fois, Pierre Bayard – qui, dans cet essai, se dit aussi chef d’orchestre, enquêteur à Scotland Yard et amant de Scarlett (Johansson) – décide de “prendre au sérieux les affirmations de certains physiciens” considérant que “nous existons réellement à une multitude d’exemplaires dans une pluralité d’univers différents”. Il analyse ensuite les implications de ce postulat sur les oeuvres des soeurs Brontë, de Dostoïevski, Murakami, Nabokov ou Kafka. (Elisabeth Philippe) (Translation)
ComicBookBin reviews Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee, Vol. 16 (Wuthering Heights – Chapters 65 to 70):
As Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee, Vol. 16 (Wuthering Heights – Chapters 65 to 70) opens, Letter Bees, Connor Kluff and Zazie, follow the Gaichuu Laphroaig to the Petrified Woodland area. In the small town of Little Tree, the two find people hurt by the Gaichuu.  Zazie is on a mission of revenge because it was Laphroaig that killed his parents.
Arriving at Wuthering Heights Inn, Zazie meets a blind girl named Emil Bronte.  She gives him a place to stay and provides him with warm meals while he searches for Laphroaig.  But Emil has terrible secret, and Zazie will learn the truth about his parents and about his last name. (Leroy Douresseaux)
Vijesti (Serbia) looks at several literary conspiracy theories such as that from James Tully's The Crimes of Charlotte Brontë. A couple of Brontë haters: Keysmash didn't like Jane Eyre and Good Books, Good Wine didn't enjoy Wuthering Heights.


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