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Saturday, February 08, 2014

Saturday, February 08, 2014 2:31 pm by M. in , , , , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian announces the opening next week of Jane Eyre at the Bristol Old Vic:
Adaptation sometimes has a bad name in the theatre, seen as a safe bet at the box office and lacking ambition on stage. That shouldn't be the case with this two-part version of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, which will be devised with the company and directed by Sally Cookson, whose versions of Cinderella and Peter Pan have been theatrically bold in every way. They were delightful, too, and very thoughtful in relation to the way their heroines are presented or excluded from the story. That inventiveness should suit the story of the mousey governess who turns out to have a will of steel and the courage to make a life for herself on her own terms. (Lyn Gardner)
The Thornton Village Facebook announces that the Brontë Birthplace will become a De Luca Hair Boutique.

Samantha Jones in New Straits Times is not very convinced about Heathcliff or Rochester (we don't really think they are comparable but...) roles as romantic heroes:
The same goes for that rapscallion Mr Rochester. Liar? Yes. Cheater (technically)? Certainly. Selfish? For sure. And who can forget the scene where he tries to convince Jane to stay with him as his mistress after she has found out that his wife is still alive — and this on what was supposed to be her wedding day? My goodness, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to throw a shoe at a literary character so hard since Heathcliff. (...)
Character: Heathcliff
Wuthering HeightsAh, Heathcliff. For some reason that continues to escape me, he consistently makes the top 10 lists for literary romantic hero, completely destroying the meaning of the words “romantic” and “hero” in the process. Known as the most cited reason for women clinging on to useless bounders in hopes that they will change their ways, resulting in an obsessive love that lets nothing stand in its way, not even brothers, sisters-in-law or children, Heathcliff has a lot to answer for.
Rating: ♥ for love
Verdict: Stay away from him at all costs.
Not the best day for Heathcliff as Vozpópuli (Spain) list him as a vengeful villain.
Dave Astor explores relocations in literature for The Huffington Post:
In 19th-century English literature, among the more interesting relocation scenarios are those in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Thomas Hardy's The Hand of Ethelberta and George Eliot's Silas Marner and Adam Bede.
Jane is sent to live at the brutal Lowood school/institution, and later moves to Thornfield Hall to become a governess in Brontë's page-turning classic.
The London Evening Standard reviews the film The Invisible Woman:
Nelly’s memories make up the bulk of the film but the rev reappears at the end so he can witness our heroine's convenient epiphany. A Dickens fan, he also gets to utter the words: “I have lived my life in the pages of those novels, I should not have expected their author to have lived so quiet a life.” Which implies that all work, and no affairs, makes Jack a dull writer. Don’t tell that to Emily Brontë. (Charlotte O'Sullivan)
We rather think that The Fairfax Press (New Zealand) is running out of stories if they have to publish this:
He was single, she was single. They met on Tinder and the "like" was mutual.
A couple of dates later and things were going well - until he left his sunglasses at her house and never returned to retrieve them. (...)
 few months have gone by and Sutherland has more than moved on. She decided it was time to kiss the sunglasses goodbye, and started a listing on Trade Me.
"I thought I may as well make some money out of this. I was going to just do a normal listing but then I thought I'd have some fun."
She tells the whole tale of woe, which was "worthy of a Brontë novel", on the auction site. (Abbie Napier)
If you say so.

The Mining Journal reviews Literary Knits by Nikol Lohr:
Among the lovely patterns are two different mitten patterns based on what might have been knitted by Marmee for Jo or Meg from the book Little Women, a cloche hat inspired by the ladies of Great Gatsby, shawl patterns influenced by those worn by Emma and Jane Eyre and many other projects for the entire family. (Vicki Mann)
The Utica Observer-Dispatch talks about the TV film The Making of a Lady:
Weepy Anna has nothing on the distressed damsel at the heart of PBS's The Making of a Lady (Sunday, 10/9c, check tvguide.com listings), a bizarre British import filling the void left by Sherlock and none too well. With elements of Rebecca and Jane Eyre (subbing a madman here) in this adaptation of a Frances Hodgson Burnett novel, Lady plays like an overheated Lifetime melodrama with posh accents.
Ashland Daily Times recommends love stories:
If these picks aren't enough to satisfy your book lust, don't forget classic love stories such as "Jane Eyre," by Charlotte Brontë, "Wuthering Heights," by Emily Brontë, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," by Zora Neale Hurston, or anything by Jane Austen. Whatever your romantic sensibilities, the library is loaded with novels that will warm your heart. (Angela Decker)
A passing mention to the Brontë sisters at the Winter Olympics coverage in The Times.

El Mundo's (Spain) columnist Antonio Zardoya makes a Jane Eyre 2011reference:
Esta semana me he refugio en el arte. En la espléndida y académica cinta Jane Eyre, de Cary Fukugana (sic), muy fiel al espíritu del Romanticismo y al texto de Charlotte Brönte (sic). Momentos sublimes: «Jane, libéreme de la ciénaga de mis pensamientos», le dice el atormentado Edward Rochester a la joven institutriz. Me reconcilio con la radicalidad y la textura del Romanticismo. Con el aroma de los amores difíciles. (Translation)
melty Campus explains how to pretend you have read some literary classics:
1. Les Hauts d'Hurlevent d'Emily Brontë.
Ce que tu dois savoir : les gens sont malheureux, encore et toujours malheureux. Et ils se rendent malheureux entre eux. Tandis que les rêveurs vont dans les Landes. (lalaroni) (Translation)
The League of Extraordinary Writers interviews the author Bethany Hagen:
When you're looking to decompress by reading, what book do you reach for? Jane Eyre or Lord of the Rings. And of course, my bible--Entertainment Weekly. 
Another columnist, Alfredo Lamont in Excelsior (México) lists Wuthering Heights (we don't know the version) as one of his favourite films; The Herald (Australia) discovers 'the Brontë sisters of the botanical world';  Oubliette Magazine (Italy) interviews the writer Chiara Laura Mazetti who mentions Wuthering Heights as one of her main influences; the Santa Rosa's Press Gazette presents a cat named Brontë (after Charlotte).


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