
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Sunday, December 08, 2013 2:52 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News gives some details about the Victorian Christmas Weekends in Haworth:
The clock is being turned back in Haworth as the village stages its annual Victorian Christmas Weekend.
Traders are donning period costume and a host of festive activities is taking place today and tomorrow.
Bands and choirs are among the attractions in Main Street.
And the Brontë Parsonage Museum is holding events, including a puppet theatre and carol singing. (Alistair Shand)
The Telegraph & Argus adds:
Next Sunday, as the sun sets, the famous Torchlight Procession begins in Haworth, when the band strikes up and the carollers begin the procession slowly up the Main Street, at 4.45pm. Also at the Brontë Parsonage next Saturday and Sunday is a Decoration and Stories weekend offering a chance to join the wreath making workshops, tuck into mince pies and mulled wine, and make some Christmas decorations at the drop in session from 10.30am to 1pm (booking essential) at Brontë Parsonage. (Sue Ward)
The Haworth Victorian Christmas Facebook wall provides complete information and lots of pictures of the events taking place this month.

The Age reviews To the Letter by Simon Garfield who mentions the Albin Schramm collection auctioned in 2007 which contained a Brontë letter:
With his visits to auction houses and manuscript dealers, Garfield emphasises not only the physicality but the aura or fetish quality of letters, and the accompanying prices: £114,000 for a letter from John Donne, £21,600 for one from Charlotte Brontë complaining about the bad reviews she got for Shirley, and a whopping £276,000 for a letter by Napoleon to Josephine. (Owen Richardson)
Fay Observer presents a poetry chapbook by Lynn Veach Sadler, When a Poet Plays:
Sadler writes that the poems relate to plays. (...)
Sadler also includes "glimpses of the American stage," and of "Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Wolfe, Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee, Robert and Elinor Frost, Ava Gardner and Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston and Jane Eyre as a play." (Meredith Jacobs)
NPR talks about fan fiction and sequels:
When writers finish a book, they may think they've had the last word. But sometimes another writer will decide there's more to the story. Bertha from Jane Eyre and the father in Little Women are just two examples of secondary characters who have been given a fuller life in a new work of fiction based on a classic novel. (Lynn Neary)
The transcript of the episode nevertheless says
Grace Poole, the nurse from "Jane Eyre," and the father character in "Little Women" are two examples of secondary characters who've been given a fuller life in a work of fiction that's based on a classic novel.
Although there are several novels that provide a background for Grace Poole's story, we think that most probably this was a mistake meaning Bertha Mason instead.
Pontos-News (in Greek) begins an article about green eyes (verbatim) with a quote by Charlotte Brontë:
Η Charlotte Brontë, η συγγραφέας της Jane Eyre είπε πολύ εύστοχα ότι: «η ψυχή, ευτυχώς έχει διερμηνέα- συχνά ασυνείδητομεν, αλλά πιστό ερμηνευτή της - τα μάτια». (Μαρία Ζ)
Boox (in French) reviews Wuthering HeightsShelf Love posts about The ProfessorSvět nadpřirozena (in Czech) reviews Jane Eyre (a book that Jawbone of an Ass considers a well deserved classic); Shhh! The Movie's Starting talks about Wuthering Heights 2011; Reading at Tiffany's (in Italian) reviews Charlotte by Antonella Iuliano.


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