A very interesting event takes place today in Bradford:
Air on Brontë Moor
Bradford Cathedral, Wednesday 4 December 2013, 7.00pm
Music, Film & Poetry respond to the lives, the works and the landscape of the Brontës.
David Wilson composed Air on Brontë Moor in 2012 - a suite of music inspired by the Brontë landscape. Photographer and film maker, Simon Warner then shot a series of short films in response to the music and the films were screened with the live musical accompaniment at conference on the Brontës at the Brotherton Library in Leeds in February 2013.
David and Simon have now been joined by poet Adam Strickson who has written a series of poems inspired by the lives and works of the Brontës and will also read poetry by Ted Hughes, Syliva Plath and Charlotte and Branwell Brontë as part of a live performance at Bradford Cathedral on Wednesday 4th December 2013.
Composer and musician, David Wilson said that the music which is part composition and part improvisation was inspired by walks on Haworth Moor, the landscape around Haworth and its influence on the lives and works of the Brontës. (Yorkshire Times)
More information on
Nick Cass and
Simon Warner's websites. The music is available on
Air on Brontë Moor
David Wilson Music
21 Jan 2013
℗ 2013 Rhythm Records
The Visitor
Frost and the Morning Sun
Passing of Time
Waltz for Maria
While Away
Ye Banks and Braes O Bonnie Doon
And at the
Universität Trier (Germany):
Das Fach Japanologie und das Zentrum für Ostasien-Pazifik-Studien (ZOPS)
laden ein zu einem Vortrag der japanischen Schriftstellerin
Mizumura Minae
zum Thema:
„A True Novel and Wuthering Heights: the Formation of Modern Japanese Literature”
Sunday, 4. December 2013, 18 h
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