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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Eric Jong selects for The Huffington Post '6 Books Every Smart, Sexy Woman Needs To Read':
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
The story: A younger woman comes to serve as governess in an English country manor -- and falls for the mysterious owner of the house.
Why it inspires: "There is so much about this book that was revolutionary. You have a heroine who is plain, but she's clever. Also, Jane is a woman who speaks her mind -- she doesn't lie to please the establishment, or to please men."
 Dave Astor admits to his Jane Eyre addiction in The Huffington Post.
But can I stop mentioning Jane Eyre in blog posts? No. that novel focuses on the ultra-compelling relationship between the never-married Jane and the once-married Rochester. If ever a person needed another chance in the love department, it was Rochester. But there are complications... (Which can occur when, um, a first spouse is still in the picture.)
In some cases, a character needs to time-travel to Charlotte Brontë's century before a positive new relationship happens -- an approach even trickier than online dating!
Several Québecois news outlets carry the news of a new award for Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault's Jane, Le Renard et Moi, the 8e Prix du livre jeunesse des Bibliothèques de Montréal:
Publié aux Éditions de la Pastèque, ce «journal intime rétrospectif» de Fanny Britt est la première bande dessinée que conçoit le duo. Le récit montre comment des enfants armés de méchanceté font la loi dans les cours d'école. Pour échapper à ses bourreaux, la jeune Hélène se réfugie dans l'univers de Jane Eyre, le premier roman de Charlotte Brontë publié en 1847. (Canoe)
Also in Le Devoir.

Clio Barnard describes Wuthering Heights 2011 like this in The Guardian:
a brilliant and much-misunderstood version of Wuthering Heights.
The Guardian talks about the rise in private tutoring:
In Victorian Britain, educated women whose families were unable to support them – like Jane Eyre, or Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair – worked as governesses, teaching the children of wealthy families, and they were prized overseas. (Daniel Cohen)
The Herald talks about book editors.
When we read their books, they are in that sense entirely raw. A better word, of course, would be brilliant. Moliere, Montaigne and Milton were all published without amendment by an outside hand, unless that of a compositor correcting a typographical error. Jane Austen, the Brontës and George Eliot wrote, rewrote, and sent in their work, which went to press by and large unchanged, as did most of the immortals of the 19th century and earlier. (Rosemary Goring)
The Bradenton Herald publishes a picture where
Teacher Melba Huggins, standing at left, follows along as Dyaisha Jordan, seated at center, reads a passage from the novel Jane Eyre as she works to improve her reading comprehension with other students in an after-school tutoring and mentoring program at the Kelly-Brown Career Development Center in Palmetto.
On Milwaukee interviews a local chef, Missy Harkey:
Lori Fredrich: How do you spend your free time outside the restaurant?
MH: I do cook a lot. I do a lot of experimenting at home; you can take your time and really get things right. I also read. I like the Classics. I'm a Jane Austin (sic) and Jane Eyre girl. "Pride & Prejudice" with Colin Firth is untouchable. He's been my crush for over a decade.
Impact Magazine discusses Mills & Boon novels and makes the following (not very original and also quite wrong) comment:
Yet we must keep the purpose of these romantic novels in sight: to entertain. Reading trashy romance is just like watching bad soaps on TV – easy entertainment. We could say that the issues of fantasy and a lack of realism could be projected on to any work of romantic literature, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘Jane Eyre’; the soaps of the 19th Century? (Eve Wersocki Morris)
The Leamington Observer mentions the performances of Lucy Gough's Wuthering Heights at the Loft Theatre:
Director David Hankins said: "Long before the Twilight saga stirred the emotions of a new generation Wuthering Heights embodied the eternal pull between good and evil, dark and light, and heaven and hell. It is a story of love, obsession, vengeance and tragedy on an epic scale." (Janine Abuluyan)
The Journal (Kingston, ON) reviews the play The Woman in Black:
It’s reminiscent of Wuthering Heights in love and bad luck, grudges and vengeance, eerie moors and impenetrable fog and of course, haunting ghosts.
One crucial difference is that the murderous ghost of Jennett Humphrey never finds eternal rest in The Woman in Black, whereas Heathcliff and Cathy live happily ever after, in a way, in Wuthering Heights.
Alejandro Gándara writes in El Mundo about passionate narrators:
El narrador de Salter recuerda mucho a Carraway, el que cuenta la historia de Gatsby: una fascinación inmensa por lo que no podrá sentir jamás, pero sobre todo una atracción irresistible por el misterio. Hay antecedentes: está también el Lockwood de "Cumbres borrascosas", o el hombre de la veranda que habla de Axel Heyst en "Victoria", de Joseph Conrad. Los seres apasionados, inconscientes muchas veces de la hipnosis que provocan, proyectan siempre la sombra alargada de un mirón. (Translation)
An alert from Tandil, Argentina:
Hoy a las 20 en Zoom Espacio de Arte (Montiel 565) se podrá ver I Walked with a Zombie (1943) de Jacques Tourneur. (El Eco de Tandil)


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