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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Culture 24 features Charlotte Cory's exhibition at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
Featuring Visitorian cartes-de-visites with a bizarre twist, Charlotte Cory, one of the country’s leading surreal photographic artists, has successfully managed to destabilise 19th century photographs by replacing the original heads with those of animals.
Cory aims to explore the visceral spirit of the Brontë sisters. Each character appears to be twisted by their animal counterparts, and several have been directly substituted, including Brontë’s publisher, George Smith, who put his neck out when releasing the untested author’s work, and has been reincarnated as Arthur, the stuffed giraffe.
Similarly, Mrs Gaskell’s brusque nature is re-interpreted as a cockatoo.
A photo of a woman posing outside with a stuffed giraffe
The long-forgotten figures have been reconstructed in fresh fashion here, probing deeper at the unknown areas of the Brontë’s lives. Cory's personality shines through her creations, giving the art its own nature.
Presenting the characters in this way gives viewers an opportunity to get under the skin of the Brontës in unprecedented ways. The exhibition focuses on many infrequently revealed facts, coloured by Cory’s trademark style. [...]
Cory claims that each of the locations are of importance to the Brontë family.
“Haworth was home. Harrogate is nearby,” she says.
“It was also the place where you went to take the foul-smelling healthy waters. London, meanwhile, always represented somewhere enticing and alluringly unattainable to the Brontë family.”
Sinister at times, the exhibition is part of the Contemporary Arts Programme at the museum, transporting the world of Victorian taxidermy to the present day. (Belinda Maude)
Coincidentally, the Brontë Parsonage Museum Facebook page shares pictures from the recent opening and private view of this exhibition.

Writer Victoria Hislop is a Brontëite, at least according to the Daily Mail.
She revealed her literary heroine was Emily Brontë, the author of Wuthering Heights, because she treated ‘place as a character’. (Rosie Taylor)
USA Today's Happy Ever After includes Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair on a list of time-travelling novels.
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Welcome to a surreal version of Great Britain, circa 1985, where time travel is routine, cloning is a reality (dodos are the resurrected pet of choice), and literature is taken very, very seriously. England is a virtual police state where an aunt can get lost (literally) in a Wordsworth poem, militant Baconians heckle performances of Hamlet, and forging Byronic verse is a punishable offense. All this is business as usual for Thursday Next, renowned special operative in literary detection, until someone begins kidnapping characters from works of literature. When Jane Eyre is plucked from the pages of Brontë's novel, Thursday must track down the villain and enter the novel herself to avert a heinous act of literary homicide. (Joyce Lamb)
SPOILERS ahead! As Fashion & Style has a post on the promo video of episode 4 season 4 of Downton Abbey on which you can see
Lady Edith sharing a kiss with her married editor Michael Gregson who has a lunatic wife locked away à la "Jane Eyre," (Erika W. Smith)
Corriere de la Sera (Italy) has an article on Michael Fassbender which begins by claiming that,
Il pubblico femminile non ha dimenticato il suo Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre... (Giovanna Grassi) (Translation)
Rzeczpospolita (Poland) reveals the nominations to the fifteenth edition of the Warsaw Feliksów Theatre Awards. Among them is
Najlepsza pierwszoplanowa rola kobieca: [...]
5. Anna Smołowik za rolę Katarzyny Earnshaw w spektaklu "Wichrowe wzgórza" wg Emily Jane Brontë w reżyserii Kuby Kowalskiego, w Teatrze Studio im. St. I. Witkiewicza (Translation)
A silly, silly blunder in Clarín's Ñ (Argentina)
 Pero ese día, mientras volvía a casa sintiéndome derrotada, recordé (sí, yo a los 12 años ya sabía esto) que las hermanas Brontë vivieron más de 40 años recluidas en una casa con las ventanas abiertas a un cementerio. Y eso no les impidió escribir novelas turbulentas y perdurables.
Recordar eso fue como si una mano me izara de mi desconsuelo: solamente vemos el mundo cuando lo escribimos. (Betina González) (Translation)
Claiming that the Brontë sisters lived in a house with a view to the churchyard for over 40 years is particularly silly seeing as none of them even lived to that age.

A player from the Civil Service FC would be able to put that right as according to The Telegraph,
James Cutler
The team’s centre half, 25, is a PhD student researching the enduring popularity and cultural legacy of Dickens, the Brontës and Hardy, and a big Hereford United fan. (Ryan "Giggsy" Cameron)
The Brontë Sisters shares a letter from a first-time visitor to the Brontë Parsonage Museum. The Brontë Parsonage Museum Facebook page shows a picture of Tabitha Ratcliffe (Martha Brown's sister) with her Brontë treasures.


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