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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Saturday, October 05, 2013 4:04 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post publishes an obituary of Robert Barnard and repeats more or less what has already been published:
Robert Barnard, professor, scholar and an award winning crime writer, who was twice chairman of the Brontë Society and joint compiler of The Brontë Encyclopaedia, has died aged 76.
He made Leeds his adopted home in 1984 after several years abroad and became an enthusiastic member of the Brontë Society, based at Haworth Parsonage.
He was its vice-chairman and later chairman from 1996 to 1999, and again from 2002. In 2007, with his wife Louise, he compiled the encyclopaedia which the society regards as a cornerstone for modern Brontë scholarship. (...)
He became an active member of the northern chapter of the Crime Writers’ Association and spent much of his time in Haworth and with the Brontë Society. His devotion to that family resulted in an illustrated biography of Emily Brontë for the British Library in 2000, along with the encyclopaedia. (...)
Ann Dinsdale, the Parsonage Collections Manager, said: “Bob Barnard’s vibrant personality and wicked sense of humour made him great company. He was a popular figure with staff at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, and some of them have figured as characters in his novels. The Brontë Society was privileged to have enjoyed 20 years of Bob’s involvement and he will be sadly missed by many people.”
Richard Osman plays safe in this (quite funny in a way but also sort of depressing) article in The Guardian when he says:
And I think Wuthering Heights is the only Emily Brontë novel worth reading (someone will rise to this, just you wait and see).
We don't think anybody will question it. You know, it being her only novel.

Wall Street Journal talks about the New York Film Festival which has a filmaker-in-residence:
This year's filmmaker is Andrea Arnold, who most recently made a racially charged version of "Wuthering Heights" with many, many close-ups of bugs. (Marshall Heyman)
Financial Times reviews the latest novel by Elizabeth Gilbert, The Signature of All Things:
There are moments that seem inspired by Charles Dickens and others where the self-reflective spirit of a Charlotte Brontë heroine guides the author’s pen. In the main, the writing is deft, assured and unpretentious. (Susie Boyt)
We don't totally agree with David Hare when he says in The Spectator:
People generally think Henry James’s Washington Square a pretty good book. Well, The Heiress is its equal as a film, and I’d prefer to watch Merle Oberon in Wuthering Heights than read it again.
We prefer reading it and watching William Wyler's film.

Counterpunch talks about Russ Kick's three-volume The Graphic Cannon, volume two of which includes:
Still others (Tim Fish’s adaptation of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, for example) are akin to the Classic Comics (1941-1971), that is, comic strip versions of celebrated works that were popular decades ago and that tell most of the original story. (Charles Larson)
The Sarah Lucas retrospective exhibition (Sarah Lucas: Situation) at the Whitechapel Gallery (London) is reviewed in Financial Times:
[Iwona] Blazwick [(director of the gallery)] places “Au Naturel” as centrepiece of a small “Red Chamber”, surrounded by monumental but absurd symbols of masculinity: crushed cars, wallpaper photographs of nude men whose genitalia are covered with edible replacements – biscuits and a bottle of milk; a beer can spurting white froth. Male power, and the emotional charge of the “red room” – a motif of inner terror for women writers and artists from Charlotte Brontë to Louise Bourgeois – is here ridiculed, tamed and diffused. (Jackie Wullschlager)
It's fall season and Emily Brontë's poem will be unavoidably quoted here and there. For instance in The Republic (Columbus, IN):
“Fall, leaves, fall … every leaf speaks bliss to me … Fluttering from the autumn tree. I shall smile when wreaths of snow, blossom where the rose should grow.”
Emily Brontë had it right. Our leaves are a wonderful sight and a great way to add nutrients back to our yard and garden. Every year at this time we are presented with what to do with all of the colorful leaves falling from trees in neighborhoods and yards — well, besides jump in them.
wetpaint publishes some spoilers of the new series Ravenswood:
As for the Collins house, the script describes it as “something lifted from another century.” Miranda’s room has a “canopied bed, heavy drapes over the window, a prodigious wing-chair near the window,” and “volumes of Dickens and Brontë and Twain on the night table.” (Crystal Bell)
An unexpected Brontë reference in this post on the British Red Cross website:
A new study shows that altruistic behaviour – such as volunteering – can be like catnip to potential romantic partners.
Ladies and gentlemen: we have been misinformed.
Popular culture – whether music, films or books – constantly drums the line that all girls love a bad boy, while men can’t help drooling over vampy women.
Think of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, that sulky vampire chap from Twilight or the perma-undressed Rhianna. (Mark Cross)
The CUT! Costume and the Cinema arrives to the McNay Art Museum. San Antonio Express-News informs about it:
“The focus of the exhibition is on period film, from 'Jane Eyre' to 'The Phantom of the Opera,' so it looks at five centuries of fashion through Hollywood's eye,” said Daniela Oliver-Portillo, the McNay's public relations and marketing manager. (Steve Bennett)
Lubelski Kurier (Poland) presents Eryk Ostrowski's contoversial (to put it mildly) Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące:
Charlotte Brontë - kobieta, której dzieła dały podwaliny emancypacji i jedna z największych zagadek literatury. Wszystko, co wiemy o siostrach Brontë, pochodzi od niej. Ona prowadziła korespondencję i rozmowy z wydawcami. Rękopisy powieści Emily i Anne Brontë nie istnieją. Pierwszy wydawca, który jako jedyny je widział, twierdził, że pisane były jedną ręką. Miało to być pismo ukrywającej się pod męskim pseudonimem Charlotte. Ona z kolei robiła wszystko, aby myślano inaczej. Uwierzono jej. I tak już zostało. Książka odsłania kulisy życia autorki "Jane Eyre", które było bardzo dramatyczne. (Translation)
Infopresse talks about Jane, le renard et moi by Isabelle Arsenault and Fanny Britt:
Quant au volet Illustration, les images de Jane, le renard et moi ont fait d'Isabelle Arsenault la lauréate du Grand Prix. Son trait est sensible, à l'image du récit tout aussi délicat imaginé par Fanny Britt. En effet, Jane, le renard et moi aborde l'intimidation à l'école par le regard d'une jeune protagoniste qui trouve notamment refuge de la méchanceté de ses pairs dans l'imaginaire victorien de Jane Eyre, célèbre roman de Charlotte Brontë. Destiné aux enfants comme aux plus grands, ce roman graphique sait émouvoir avec ses teintes de sépia et de gris que seules quelques touches de couleur illuminent. Le livre a fait l'unanimité: «Le jury n'a pas hésité une seconde, malgré ce qu'aurait pu en dire Isabelle, qui y siégeait également, explique Annie Lachapelle. Son travail est d'une grande finesse. Il s'agit d'un projet de niveau international, et nous avons de quoi en être fiers.» Jane, le renard et moi, qui compte une centaine de pages, est publié chez La Pastèque.
An alert from Massillon, OH. Wuthering Heights 1939 will be screened at the local movie theatre:
Where: Lions Lincoln Theatre, 156 Lincoln Way E, Massillon
When: 7 p.m. today and 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Sponsor: Ben Bernstein and Lynda Blankenship (The Independent)
The White Rhino Report reviews Abide With Me by Sabin Willett; Many Musings Media posts the final installment of its Very Brontë Summer series; kooblover finds Jane Eyre 'dull'; Rincones de amago (in Spanish) posts about Wuthering Heights.


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