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Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013 9:51 am by Cristina in ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Evening Post suggests a visit to the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
There’s something in the Eyre in Haworth...
Imagine standing on the very spot where three of the world’s most famous writers devised some of history’s finest novels.
Then move to the room where their dad used to fire a gun out the window.
Interested? Good, because that’s what’s in store at the famous Brontë Parsonage.
Forget stuffy and dull. This landmark museum brings the story of Yorkshire’s most famous literary daughters – Emily, Charlotte and Anne Brontë – to life.
You’ll find out about their cutting-edge works and the fact they had to publish under men’s names as no-one at the time would take a female author seriously.
They were so dedicated, they even wrote miniature books for their toy soldiers.
The Parsonage gives visitors near full access to the family’s home including the bedroom where their father, Patrick, sat watch with a rifle over Branwell when he fell ill.
The story goes that each morning he’d fire a bullet out the window as it was the only way to unload the gun. Very gangster.
The attraction also has a host of rolling exhibitions, including the brand new Capturing the Brontës by Charlotte Cory. In essence, it’s a creative series of images featuring animals’ heads on period costumed people. See it to believe it.
The steps of the Parsonage give way to the picture-perfect idyllic village of Haworth. Its famous steep cobbled street is home to quirky independent shops and excellent cafés.
Coffee and walnut cake is a must at the fabulous Cobbles and Clay art cafe where they make and paint their own crockery!
Add in a ride on the nearby KWVR steam railway and it’s a day out through the decades.
The South China Morning Post features Tsang Tsz-kwan, a 20-year-old blind and hearing-impaired student.
Tsang's choice of novels ranges from British author William Golding's Lord of the Flies "which I found very thought-provoking", to American writer Jean Webster's Daddy-Long-Legs, to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. "I like encouraging novels," she says. "Books about people's struggles, how Jane Eyre's early childhood was not that smooth and the very harsh environment she faced growing up in an orphanage. Right from the beginning, she had to learn to cope."
But what about the bit where Jane Eyre gets to kiss her boss when she worked as a governess?
"No, I'm not particularly romantic," says Tsang, adding that she also enjoys writing. "Sometimes, I do write essays about my own experiences and activities." (Annemarie Evans)
The Iran Book News Agency announces the following exhibition:
An exhibition of Italian philosophical and literati books kicked off in Tehran's Central Book City on Saturday, 12 October. [...]
The exhibition is house to Italian books by Italian and foreign writers including Thomas Hardy, Gustave Flaubert, Joseph Conrad, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, Charlotte Brontë, Franz Kafka, Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Oscar Wilde and etc.
The Dziennik Polski (Poland) reviews Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące. Famous 101 lists several famous siblings and the Brontës are among them. Can't Explain posts about Wuthering Heights. Shelf Love discusses Agnes Grey.


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