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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 8:26 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
A boarding school teacher discusses the lack of enthusiasm shown by students in The Telegraph.
"Show some enthusiasm" I often want to shout at some of the pupils I teach. Not all of them, true, but a significant minority. Some sixth-formers, for example, sign up for English A level because the results are good and they see it as a subject that isn't too demanding.
But as for showing any excitement or intellectual curiosity? Students often take one look at a four hundred page novel – even one as accessible as Jane Eyre – and start groaning. (Boarding School Beak)
Broadway World reports that the film I Walked with a Zombie is on TCM Classic Films Collection today together with three other films by Val Lewton.
I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE (1943) - Lewton takes the gothic romance of Jane Eyre, resets it in the West Indies and adds the overriding terror of the living dead for the screen horror classic I Walked with a Zombie. Frances Dee plays the nurse who witnesses the strange power of voodoo.
The Brontë Parsonage Facebook page shares a Branwell Brontë anecdote. A ram called Mr Rochester has joined sheep Charlotte, Emily and Anne over at Soulemama's.


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