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Monday, September 02, 2013

Monday, September 02, 2013 8:12 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian briefly touches upon Wuthering Heights 2011 in an article about Terrence Malick's disciples.
Lynne Ramsay got him out of her system after Ratcatcher, and Andrea Arnold rather successfully integrated his nature aesthetic into her fine kitchen-sink version of Wuthering Heights. (John Patterson)
Stuff's Uptown Girl Abroad shares the following tip: 'Don't go to London and not see the rest of Britain'. True to it, she went to the moors among other places.
If Cornwall conjured up images of smugglers and fish and chips by the beach, the vast, atmospheric moors made it easy to envisage Catherine and Heathcliff and Hound of the Baskervilles. (Alana Dixon)
The Times begins its cricket column by highlighting two of the famous people connected to Scarborough. One of them is our Anne.
Charles Laughton, an actor for whom the adjective “great” is entirely justified, was born here, the son of a hotelier when Scarborough hotels were grand. Anne Brontë, the youngest of the three famous sisters, died here of consumption in 1849, having enjoyed a final look at the sea view she loved so much. You can share it from her resting place in the graveyard of St Mary’s Church, which peeps over the old town. (Michael Henderson)
Liberiamo (Italy) selects the top ten books that have moved generations of readers, among which is Wuthering Heights. Still in Italy, Fantasy Magazine lists some of the authors of the quotes used in Shadowhunters.
La Clare impreziosisce la storia anche con citazioni di alcuni dei più importanti autori della letteratura e della poesia inglese: ad esempio Shakespeare, le sorelle Brontë, Jane Austen e soprattutto Charles Dickens e il suo romanzo storico Racconto di due città. (Simona Ricci) (Translation)
The Independent has an article on TB and recalls that Emily Brontë was one of its victims. STV News has an article on Charlotte's letter going up for auction in Edinburgh on Wednesday.

More from the Brontë Parsonage Museum treasure trove on their Facebook page: Emily Brontë's christening mug.


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