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    4 months ago

Friday, August 09, 2013

It seems that after the English Heritage warning that Haworth's heritage was in danger, some steps have been taken in the right direction according to The Telegraph & Argus:
Efforts to restore Haworth to its former glory could soon see it regain its rightful place as the “window to Yorkshire”.
A new tourist map has been released to highlight every aspect of the historic village – not just the buildings and sights associated with their most famous residents the Brontë Sisters.
It is one of several steps being taken by Bradford Council, English Heritage, Brontë Spirit and Haworth Parish Council to rebuild Haworth’s heritage.(...)
Since then the sets have been re-laid by Bradford Council, windows at the Brontë Schoolroom restored to what they would have looked like when the sisters taught there and buildings along Main Street restored.
The groups hope as Haworth returns to the idyllic Yorkshire village it was, more tourists will flow through the streets. And the new map will help them find its hidden gems.
Some of the sights included on the map are elaborate graves at St Michael’s Church and the Victorian Co-Operative stores.
Deborah Wall, of English Heritage, said: “We’ve come up with guidance and it shows how a lot of the buildings could and should look. That is why we’ve done some of the shop fronts, so people can get a sense of how much better things can be.”
Tammy Whitaker, also of English Heritage, said: “A lot of things can improve Haworth, like restoring the original style windows. A lot of buildings look too modern. They were damaging Haworth’s image.”
The San Francisco Examiner asks some writers about books they want to read but don't really read:
Tania James, author of “Aerogrammes and Other Stories
Wide Sargasso Sea” has been in the stack by my bed for ages. I’m not sure why. Maybe my inner 15-year-old is fearful of what Jean Rhys wants to tell me about the real Mr. Rochester (but he was so dreamy in “Jane Eyre”). Or, more likely I’m just a slow reader and the stack is tall. (John McMurtrie)
Dave Astor in The Huffington Post talks about chronological and non-chronological novels:
Meanwhile, the classics of many years ago tend to mostly take chronological approaches. Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Jack London's The Call of the Wild, L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, Mary Shelley's The Last Man, Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence, etc., etc. Even Herman Melville's Moby-Dick and John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, which both include informational chapters not directly related to the plot or characters, are essentially chronological.
We see the point but do not entirely agree with Gina Barreca when she says in The Courant:
In women's lives especially (and since I'm talking about the pre-K demographic I'll call us "girls" without fear of appearing patronizing), all sorts of lessons have encouraged us to sit politely and wait to be chosen. Remember the game "Duck, Duck, Goose," where you sat in a circle facing the center and waited to be recognized as the "goose," whereupon you were tapped and permitted to run around making choices yourself?
And how many fairy tales taught us essentially the same lesson? "Duck, Duck, Cinderella!" "Duck, Duck, Snow White!" Or classic books? "Duck, Duck, Jane Eyre!" "Duck, Duck, Anna Karenina!" Or popular movies? "Duck, Duck, Julia Roberts playing a hooker in 'Pretty Woman'!"
The Halifax Herald (Canada) reviews a local production of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem Evangeline:
Add Evangeline and Gabriel to the list of star-crossed lovers whose stories echo through the centuries.
Like Wuthering Heights’ Heathcliff and Catherine, Titanic’s Jack and Rose, and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the story of the ill-fated young couple burns with tragic romance. (Andrea Nemetz)
It had been some days since we had had a good old article about pseudonyms:
Yes, the Brontë sisters published their classics in the guise of the Bell brothers to avoid male condescension, but many others such as George Sand voluntarily chose a virile moniker as they felt like one of the boys. (Anantha Narayan in The New Indian Express)
Not the only one, though: tportal or Metro (both Croatian) also write about the subject.

Broadway World announces that the 2014 season of the Taproot Theatre (Seattle) will include a production of Gordon & Caird's Jane Eyre musical (July); The Argumentative Old Git reviews The Tenant of Wildfell Hall; on the Parsonage Facebook there's a picture of last Wednesday's storytelling event.


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