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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Telegraph & Argus talks about the latest meeting of the Hawksworth branch of the Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association:
Members of the Hawksworth branch of the Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association have celebrated 30 years of the association and the branch. (...)
Following tea and a raffle of Yorkshire goods, speaker Isobel Stirk, who lectures in 19th Century literature, gave a talk about the lives of the Brontë family.
Today, August 14, at 2:30 pm (or online for a week) on BBC Scotland, the writer Kate Mosse will be on My Life in Five Books:
Bestselling novelist Kate Mosse discusses with Stuart Cosgrove five books that have been pivotal in her life.
Kate's choices include Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, The Women's Room by Marilyn French and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
SWVA Today recommends some biographies:
Older readers will enjoy “The Brontë Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily and Anne". As movies based on the Brontë novels continue to be made and enjoyed, it is my hope that they will lead readers into the books themselves. (Wilma Snyder)
Flavorwire recommends unknown novels by well-known authors:
Though considered by many scholars – and by Virginia Woolf – to be Brontë’s best novel, Villette has been completely overshadowed by Jane Eyre. If there’s room in your heart for two tough, self-reliant Gothic heroines, give Lucy Snowe a try. (Emily Temple)
Wall Street Journal quotes Stephenie Meyer as saying:
“Jane Austen shaped who I thought of as the perfect man,” she said. “I have like equal love in different ways for ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ ‘Sense and Sensibility,’ and ‘Mansfield Park’”
“I have problems with ‘Emma’ and ‘Persuasion,’ she said, “‘Persuasion’ is just so sad.” Ms. Meyer also named “Anne of Green Gables” and “Jane Eyre” as books that informed her ideas about romance and the ideal man. (Anna Russell)
Patheos's Christ and Pop Culture criticises the alleged emptiness of the so-called New Adult Fiction:
We are marketable to this genre, but are we content to be so? If we want fiction that explores the angst in our stage of life, we should explore David Eggers or David Foster Wallace—stories that speak to our desire to drown in philosophically morose themes and empathize with post-grad reality. If we crave quality romance, classics from Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen should be the first on the table. (K. Bettis)
Examiner interviews the author R. J. Mirabal:
Who are your favorite authors and what kind of books do you love best? (...)
I confess one of my all time favorite novels is ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Brontë who employed that wonderful Victorian style of detail and depth most of us modern writers are reluctant to attempt.
DVDFr reviews a French DVD edition of Jacques Tourneur's I Walked with a Zombie 1944:
Cette fois encore, Jacques Tourneur ne cesse de jouer sur la suggestion, le hors-champ, la sensation d’étouffement et le non-dit pour faire peur et faire naître l’angoisse de l’audience en se basant sur certaines légendes urbaines et même sur l’histoire de Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë avec son histoire d’amour centrale. Le décor exotique des Antilles sied à merveille à l’univers de Jacques Tourneur qui exploite magistralement les champs de cannes à sucre perdues dans l’ombre et les rencontres impromptues avant le fascinant rite vaudou. Alors plongez-vous dans le noir et entrez en transe. (Franck Brissard) (Translation) 
The Seattle Times announces the new season of the Taproot Theatre (Greenwood) which includes a production of Gordon & Caird's Jane Eyre musical (July 9-Aug. 9, 2014) and getreading says that a Wuthering Heights production will possibly go on stage at the South Hill Park Studio Theatre (UK) next season; New Savanna discusses dog imagery in Wuthering Heights; the Brontë Parsonage Facebook posts pictures of annual pilgrims, My Favourite Things talks and some treasures in the collection; Egon Abresparr posts on Flickr pictures of Top Withins.

Finally, an alert for today, August 14, in Ephraim, WI:
Book Discussion, 10 a.m. “Wuthering Heights,” classic novel by Emily Brontë. Door County Library, 9996 Water St., Ephraim. (920) 854-2014. (Green Bay Press Gazette)


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