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Monday, August 05, 2013

Monday, August 05, 2013 10:59 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News reports the appointment of Jackie Kay as writer-in-residence at the Brontë Parsonage Museum:
Award-winning Scottish poet Jackie Kay has been appointed the new writer-in-residence at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
The Brontë Society said she will regularly engage with visitors and students at the Haworth museum during the next few months.
Jackie has already embarked on a series of new pieces exploring the lives and works of the Brontë sisters.
A series of public events, including poetry workshops and readings, will showcase the prose.
This will culminate in an exhibition and reading at the Parsonage Museum in March next year, as part of the annual Brontë Festival of Women’s Writing.
Jackie said she had grown up with the Brontës, through Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Villette and Emily’s poetry, and had returned to them again and again all her reading life.
She added: “It’s a huge privilege to be at the Parsonage, to put the pieces of the Brontë jigsaw together, and to be freshly inspired by this inspirational family.
“The Parsonage Museum is astonishing – the care that has been taken to bring the past to the present. I’m hoping to write a series of linked poems.” (...)
Ann Sumner, the Brontë Society’s executive director, said: “We are most enthusiastic about the prospect of working with a writer who is so enthusiastic about the Brontës, and who has produced such evocative prose.”
Brontë Society Council chairman, Sally McDonald, said she was already looking forward to reading Jackie’s Brontë-inspired work.
“All the Brontë family wrote poetry and found inspiration here at the Parsonage,” she added.
Salon reprints a fragment from Looking for Palestine: Growing Up Confused in an Arab-American Family by Najla Said (Edward Said's daughter):
To me, he was my daddy, a dapper man in three-piece suits tailor-made in London. A cute old guy who yelled at me passionately in his weird sometimes British, sometimes American accent and then (five minutes later) forgot he had been upset; the one who brought me presents from all over the world, talked to me about Jane Eyre—my favorite book when I was twelve—and held me when I cried. He played tennis and squash, drove a Volvo, smoked a pipe, and collected pens. He was a professor. He was my father.
Vulture interviews writer Marisha Pessl:
Their dialogue, like that of maids in Brontë novels, freely includes language like “carved into its dappled body” and “writhing as if alive” and “she began to live again … sailing over continents and mountain ranges and seas.” (Nitsuh Abebe)
The Chronicle of Higher Education talks about writers and motherhood:
For women, for centuries, it was one or the other: brainchildren second-best, motherhood the higher calling. If a woman wrote or painted or composed, it always mattered whether she was a mother, too. For Laura Ingalls Wilder and Doris Lessing, brainchildren came after children. A pantheon of childless novelists—Ann Radcliffe, Jane Austen, the Brontës, George Eliot, Willa Cather, Edith Wharton, Virginia Woolf, Margaret Mitchell—looks like a life lesson. (Willis G. Regier)
New Zealand Opera describes like this the main character of Richard Wagner's Der Fliegende Holländer:
The hero is the Heathcliff of opera, a storm-beaten piece of rough; and the girl who falls for him does so with a soaring, scorching passion of the kind only opera can supply.”
Flavorwire recommends reads for fans of TV series:
If you love: Veronica Mars
Read: Jane Eyre, Charlote Brontë
No, Jane Eyre wasn’t a teen detective, and no, Neptune High doesn’t exactly bring Thornfield Hall to mind, but when Jane says things like “Icare for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself,” you just know that she and Veronica share a soul. (Emily Temple)
Il Giornale (Italy) talks about P.D. James's Talking About Detective Fiction and quotes her saying:
I cinque insospettabili antenati del giallo moderno sono William Godwin con Caleb Williams (1794), Jane Austen con Emma (1815), Charlotte Brontë con Jane Eyre (1847), Charles Dickens con Casa desolata (1852) e Wilkie Collins con La pietra di luna (1868). (Luigi Mascheroni) (Translation)
Zene (Hungary) attributes Jane Eyre to Jane Austen:
A gyűrű dokumentumokkal igazolhatóan Jane Austen (1775-1817) családjának birtokában volt. Az író szinte egész életét Hampshire-ben élte le, és egyike az angol irodalom legünnepeltebb szerzőinek. Műveit filmekben és minisorozatokban is megörökítették, így többféle változatban fellelhető az Értelem és Érzelem, vagy a Jane Eyre filmes átirata is. (Translation)
KTVA CBS 11 (Anchorage) presents another set of Brontë sisters:
The Bronte sisters -- Emily, Charlotte, and Anne -- are a lively bunch of sister hens that enjoy each other’s company and are cute to boot.
The Bennet Sisters interviews the writer Jenna Austen:
Tell us a bit about yourself and why you wrote this book?
Under my real name of Sophie Masson, I’m a well-known author, having published lots of novels for children, young adults and adults, and I’ve also written under another pseudonym–Isabelle Merlin–creating four popular YA romantic thrillers under that name. Isabelle Merlin books were inspired by Gothic thriller- romances from Jane Eyre to Rebecca to Mary Stewart’s books.
The Bookwyrm's Hoard does the same with Emily Croy Baker:
Q. Your writing is loaded with references from history, literature, and fantasy. What sort of reader did you envision for this series?
A. I tried to write the kind of novel I would want to read, so I guess in that sense I wrote it for myself. And as the book took shape and it became clearer that I would actually finish a draft at some point, I decided I would send it first to one of my oldest friends to see if she thought it was any good. She and I grew up watching Star Trek and Monty Python, reading Sherlock Holmes and The Black Stallion and Jane Eyre, and doing the ultimate in geekdom—taking Latin—so I trusted her judgment. She liked it, so that encouraged me to keep revising.
A Bookish Affair reviews Ann Dinsdale's The Brontës At Haworth;  Out on a Limb briefly talks about The Bronte Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne by Catherine Reef.


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