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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:37 am by M. in ,    No comments
New recent Brontë-related papers and thesis:
The Gaze of the Woman Artist in Novels by the Sisters Brontë
Bevington, Elaine L.
Advisor: Morse, Deborah Denenholz
The College of William & Mary
Williamsburg, VA.
April 2013

As a female author, Charlotte Brontë was especially concerned both with how women were represented in art and how female artists were perceived by their audiences. Her sisters and fellow authors, Anne and Emily Brontë, were equally preoccupied by depictions of the female artist. Often critiqued for the immorality of their novels, Charlotte, Anne, and Emily were given a different set of standards for their work than their male counterparts. Brontëan writing shows these three authors evaluating, critiquing, and challenging the standards set for female novelists and determining their own standards for women’s art.
Listening to Jane: A Comparison of the Original Novel Jane Eyre and Three Abridged Audio Book Versions from the Point of View of Genre 
Hagberg, Helena
Advisor: Björkén-Nyberg, Cecilia
Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för humaniora (HUM)
July 2013

While some people enjoy reading full-length novels, most people have a difficult time concentrating on reading or even finding the time to do it. Audio books, especially abridged ones, may be a way for people to enjoy fiction without having to read the whole novel and they can listen to the text at the same time as they do other things. The purpose of this essay is to study whether the abridged audio books can be a valid replacement for the full novel in terms of genre. The essay compares Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë in its full length with three abridged audio books of the same novel. In these three audio versions the original text has been abridged in varying degrees so that the shortest version runs to fifty minutes, the second shortest to three hours and the longest to six hours. The three genres I focus on are the Romance, the Gothic novel and the female Bildungsroman. I present genre-specific features and then analyze how these characteristics are affected in the abridged versions of Jane Eyre.
The Jane Eyre in Charlotte’s Heart—Appreciation of Song Zhaolin’s Translation of Jane Eyre
Liangqiu Lv, Hongye Zhu
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol 3, No 8 (2013), 1424-1428, Aug 2013


Jane Eyre has won worldwide reputation owing to Charlotte’s skillful writing and the inspired feminist rebellious spirit. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis and appreciation of Song Zhaolin’s translated work of Jane Eyre based on the dynamic equivalence strategy he used. The author of the original work Charlotte Brontë put a lot of her own experiences into Jane Eyre, which can also be shown in Song’s translation. He also combined free and literal translation strategies in the translating process, which results in both faithful and expressive effect.


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