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Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Montreal Gazette reviews the English translation (by Christelle Morelli) of Jane, le renard et moi (Jane, the fox and me) by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault:
Away from school, however, [Hélène] escapes into a book: Jane Eyre, “by Charlotte Brontë, with two dots over the e.” Jane, an orphan, has had her own problems, but she “grew up to be clever, slender and wise” and found work as a governess “in a huge manor called Thornfield, because in England houses have names.” Jane also found a sympathetic friend in her employer, Mr. Rochester, who, it turns out, has some pretty big crosses to bear himself.
As Hélène suffers through the school year, Jane Eyre provides solace — the promise of a life beyond childhood that is self-sufficient, accomplished and strong. (...)
Arsenault’s depiction of the colourful fox in an otherwise black-and-white scenario is a foreshadowing of things to come. By the time Hélène and her schoolmates head back home, our heroine has found Géraldine, the one good friend who puts life in a new light. (Bernie Goedhart)
Keighley News' The Ticket is including from now on a monthly column by the newly-appointed Brontë Society communications officer, Sarah Browncross:
We have had a wonderful warm summer at the Brontë Parsonage Museum with loads of visitors – and we’ve had lots going on to make the most of it.
All of the staff and volunteers here at the Parsonage have a favourite piece of the collection, from the Brontës’ dog collar to Charlotte’s wedding bonnet or Emily’s sketches, and we’ll be giving ten-minute talks on them at 2pm every weekday in September. Hear a different talk each day then find your own favourite. They’re free with museum entry. Now is also the perfect time to visit our wild meadow. (Read more)
Keighley News also reports a case of acute Brontëiteness (previously reported on the Parsonage Facebook):
Three people from different parts of the globe have been united in friendship through a love of the Brontës.
The trio has been meeting up annually in Haworth since 2010.
And on their latest visit, the three – Flavia Vitale, from Naples, Kathleen Shortt, of Dundee, and Oxford-based Ben Lovegrove – were given a VIP welcome.
They were greeted at the Parsonage Museum by executive director Professor Ann Sumner and Bronte Society chairman Sally McDonald.
Flavia first met Kathleen at a Brontë Society meeting in London, and they immediately became friends. They met Ben on their first trip together to Haworth.
“We knew we had made friends for life,” said Kathleen.
Prof Sumner said: “It’s wonderful to discover Brontë Society members who met in London at one of our events now travel to the Parsonage for an annual reunion.”
And again in Keighley News we can see the picture of the winners of their photography competition, including
Joe [White]’s successful shot (...) of a rustic footpath sign pointing to Brontë country on moorland close to his home.
Wall Street Journal talks about a yoga retreat in Cotswolds:
This pastoral slice of England is what one dreams of while reading Austen, Brontë or Mitford, not where one expects to practice downward dog. (Alexa Brazilian)
Also in the WSJ, George Johnson reviews books about disease:
[Susan] Sontag contrasted society's view of cancer with the strangely romantic aura that once surrounded tuberculosis, the previous century's "dread disease." Poe, Kafka, the Brontë sisters—the tubercular (the famous ones, anyway) were cast as creative, passionate souls, " 'consumed' by ardor." Nobody, Sontag wrote, could glamorize cancer.
Transcendent novels in The Huffington Post:
I first read various other novels I think are A-plus much earlier than two years ago, which is why I didn't mention them earlier in this piece. They include Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, (...) (Dave Astor)
Rosemary Goring asks herself in The Herald:
And if the housekeeper of Dove Cottage or the Brontë parsonage slipped me the keys and said I could spent the night there, I wouldn't say no. I might avoid the chaise-longue where at least one of the Brontës coughed their last, but it wouldn't be these writers' deaths I was thinking about as I prowled around, but the life they lived while here.
The Salem News talks about library book sales:
Whether you are finally ready to read “Jane Eyre” or are hoping someone may have parted with a recent best-seller, there are three library book sales on the North Shore over the next month where you can try your luck. (Will Broaddus)
Santa Cruz Books Examiner reviews Through the Smoke by Rachel McTavish:
Through the Smoke is reminiscent of the classic Jane Eyre. It has love, passion, unbridled ambition and greed, and mystery in an 1840s English setting. (Suzanne Barrett)
Página 12 reviews the comic Segundo Círculo by Ariel Zylberberg, Federico Menéndez and Rodrigo Luján. One of the characters is:
Penélope, una mujer araña, prostituta estrella del cabaret intergaláctico que da nombre a la historia: una amante de las novelas dramáticas a la que fastidian las interrupciones a sus lecturas de Cumbres borrascosas y otros relatos de ese tipo. (Andrés Valenzuela) (Translation)
L'Express (France) explores what the French teenagers read:
Mais là, j'ai déjà un gros livre qui m'attend: Les Hauts de Hurlevent -acheté devinez par qui ? "C'est génial, tu vas adorer", m'a dit mon père en me l'offrant, mais il dit ça tellement souvent que j'ai du mal à suivre!" (...)
Mais avant, c'était simple: à 15 ans, on s'aventurait franchement chez Zola, Dumas, Mérimée, Brontë, Mitchell, parfois Beauvoir. Maintenant, ce sont les parents qui lisent Twilight. On n'appellera pas forcément ça le progrès. (Isabelle Lortholary) (Translation)
Stacjakultura (Poland) presents the upcoming book (September 25) Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące by Eryk Ostrowski where the author sustains that Charlotte was the author of all the Brontë novels; L'Occhio della mucca (in Italian) posts a Wuthering Heights version for dummies; The Introverted Reader reviews Emma Brown by Clare Boylan; Random Reverie has read a selection of Charlotte Brontë poems; Books Without Any Pictures reviews Tina Connolly's Ironskin; Omnes Mixtae (in Catalan) talks about Wuthering Heights.


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