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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:38 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Limerick Leader talks about the efforts to preserve Tarbert House and its heritage:
Sadly too, there is no record of author Charlotte Brontë’s visit to Tarbert House. The author of Jane Eyre stayed there as part of her honeymoon journey. She married her father’s curate Arthur Bell Nicholls in April 1854.
“She went to West Clare first and then came here and spent a night or two here. They then went on to Tralee and Killarney. In Killarney, she missed her step getting into a boat,” Ursula says, recounting the story. It turned out Charlotte was pregnant at the time but soon after had a miscarriage and died as a result.
But it is not too difficult, Ursula believes, to conjure up the scenes at Tarbert House as they might have been during the Brontë visit: the formality of dinner, the after-dinner withdrawing of the ladies.
After all, she points out, the house remains largely the same as when it was first built. A second stairs was added at one stage and she herself installed a small kitchen on the ground floor. But the floor plan is the same. The view is almost exactly the same. And the stark plainness of the house in its parkland remains the same.
And last weekend, as part of the Tarbert Gathering, Daniel O’Connell and Charlotte Brontë walked the woods of Tarbert House again as part of a dramatic re-enactment. (Norma Prendiville)
Well, Charlotte was probably pregnant when she died, but it is also quite probable she didn't die from a miscarriage. Hypemeresis gravidarum is the current main hypothesis for the cause of her death.

About.com reviews The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman:
The young female narrator finally finds escape, with her own insanity (as the mad woman in the attic in Jane Eyre).  (Esther Lombardi)
Den of Geek! reviews John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars 2001:
 When Ghosts Of Mars begins, Ballard's found alone on the train, and the rest of the film's violent events are a flashback, as Ballard recounts her sorry tale to some sort of tribunal. But in a nod to the narrative complexity of the gothic novel Wuthering Heights, Ghosts Of Mars doesn't stop there. (...)
What we have here, then, is a flashback within a flashback within a flashback. Inception, eat your heart out. (Ryan Lambie)
We have on Policymic two poor souls who never were able to enjoy their Brontës:
8. 'Jane Eyre,' Charlotte Brontë, 1847
What we were supposed to take from it:
Female independence; rising up through class structure. The horrors of colonialism.

What we took from it:
"Nothing happens, then nothing happens, and then right at the end … nothing happens." -Laura Dimon, Publishing Editor
"This could be Wuthering Heights I'm remembering, but isn't one of the protagonists in Jane Eyre named after a candy bar? Heathcliff or something? Heathbars?" –Nick Baker (Laura Dimon)
Chrisbookarama reviews Wide Sargasso Sea; Club de Lectura 2.0 (in Spanish) continues reading Jane Eyre; metamorphosis posts about Wuthering Heights; the Brontë Parsonage Facebook posts a video of the 10-minutes talk 'Charlotte Brontë's Wedding Bonnet".


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