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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 4:09 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Radio Canada-Montréal announces that Jane, le Renard et Moi by Isabelle Arsenault and Fanny Britt will be a contender for the Pépites 2013 Awards at the Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse Seine-Saint-Denis under the BD/Manga category (10 years on). The winners will be announced in the last week of November:
Hélène est victime de harcèlement et d'intimidation à son école. Elle trouve refuge dans le monde de Jane Eyre, le premier roman de Charlotte Brontë. Jane, le renard et moi aborde avec justesse ce sujet délicat. Le texte est signé Fanny Britt, et les illustrations, Isabelle Arsenault. Il s'agit d'une première incursion dans la bande dessinée pour les deux auteures.
Auparavant, l'ouvrage avait été mis en nomination pour le prix Bédéis Causa 2013 - Grand prix de la Ville de Québec dans la catégorie du meilleur album de langue française publié au Québec en 2013, et ses auteures ont reçu le prix Bédéis Causa - prix Réal-Fillion de l'auteur québécois, scénariste ou dessinateur s'étant le plus illustré avec son premier album professionnel. (Translation)
The Telegraph & Argus reports the visit of the darts player Bobby George to the Brontë Parsonage:
Darts legend Bobby George had his sights set on a different target during a visit to the area.
He and his wife Marie headed for the Brontë Parsonage Museum at Haworth, one-time home to the famous literary sisters.
And afterwards they enjoyed a pub lunch – where else but at the Black Bull!
Bobby – one of the darts circuit’s most colourful and popular characters, and a TV regular – said: “ We were visiting Bingley and noted that the Brontë museum was nearby. My wife is a fan of 1800s life and the Jane Eyre film so we went along.
“I haven't read the books but I’ve seen the old black and white films. I’m not familiar with the writers, but my wife is.”
Bobby said he was impressed with what he saw and learned about the sisters, whose classic works included Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre.
“I was very interested in their short lives and what they achieved but to me they seemed like they didn't have much freedom – we felt for the family,” he said.
“The house was good to see and we were fascinated by their work – tiny books and tiny writing!
“We would definitely return.”
Julie Akhurst, for the parsonage, said: “We were delighted that Bobby enjoyed his visit – a legend of the oche meets legends of the literary world! He is welcome to return anytime.” (Alistair Shand)
In The Telegraph & Argus we read about a new tourist attraction for Brontë country, the Grand Heritage Tour:
A vintage open-top double-deck bus will make two-hour round trips taking in attractions including the Star Centre, police museum, East Riddlesden Hall, Cliffe Castle, the Museum of Rail Travel and the Brontë Parsonage.
Behind the initiative is Visit Bradford (Bradford Council’s tourism department), Keighley Bus Museum Trust and the Brontë Country Tourism Partnership. (Alistair Shand)
The Christian Science Monitor celebrates Emily Brontë's birthday by choosing ten quotes from her novel and poems:
Emily Brontë, one of six children, was born July 30, 1818 in Thornton, Yorkshire, to Patrick and Maria Brontë. Emily was sent away to boarding school when she was six, along with her three elder sisters. It was a nightmare for them all. The terrible conditions at the school would be the death of Maria and Elizabeth while Charlotte would later feature their experiences in her novel, "Jane Eyre."  After the deaths of the two sisters, Charlotte and Emily were brought home. The four remaining Brontë children entertained themselves by reading and creating make-believe worlds. The Brontë's intense collective creativity fostered the writing of two of the greatest classics of English literature – Charlotte's "Jane Eyre" and Emily's own "Wuthering Heights," published in 1847. Today, "Wuthering Heights" remains beloved by readers ranging from literary scholars to "Twlight" fans. 
More birthday celebrations can be found at Notisistema (México), Libreriamo (Italy), Boa Informação (Brazil), Stuff and Nonsense, Tríada Ediciones (Spain), the Brontë SistersEDIT:  Cleared and Ready for Takeoff, A Small Press Life, Pagan Spirits, Abebooks (France), The Roses and Thorns of Life, worldculturalcenter ...

The Brontë Parsonage tweets this picture at the beginning of the first ever Emily Brontë Birthday Excursion.

ArtForum reviews the newly released Les Soeurs Brontë 1979 Blu-Ray:
The intelligent austerity that marks André Téchiné’s underappreciated fourth film, The Brontë Sisters (1979), is a rarity both for the director, whose work, at least since the mid-1990s, has frequently succumbed to voluble hysterics, and the literary biopic, a genre prone to melodrama. That this is a serious meditation on the creators of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, classic texts whose screen adaptations have too often devolved into clamorous Victorian bodice-rippers, makes its hush all the more admirable.
The dominant sound, in fact, is the scratching of fountain pen on paper. Téchiné’s rendering of this genius-glutted family in grim nineteenth-century Haworth, co-scripted with Pascal Bonitzer (a frequent collaborator of Jacques Rivette’s, whose 1985 adaptation of Wuthering Heights he co-wrote), might have been more accurately titled “The Brontë Siblings”: Just as significant as Charlotte (Marie-France Pisier), Emily (Isabelle Adjani), and Anne (Isabelle Huppert) is the sole Brontë brother, Branwell (Pascal Greggory). “Unrecognized, my talent cannot grow. But I’ll be famous,” Branwell writes to his sisters, a boast never realized, his talents squandered by too many nights at the Black Bull Inn, poor object choices (he was in love with his tutee’s mother, the wife of an imperious reverend), and too much laudanum. (...) (Melissa Anderson)
The presence of Jane Austen in the British banknotes has awakened a horde of Austen-haters who from time to time quote from Charlotte Brontë, you know why. Frances Wilson in the Daily Mail:
Mark Twain, author of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, said that every time he read Pride And Prejudice he wanted to ‘dig up’ Jane Austen and ‘beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone’, and Charlotte Brontë was equally baffled by Austen’s world of superficial emotions and cultivated gardens.
Brontë could find ‘no fresh air’ in Austen, and I know how she feels. It’s not just that Jane Austen reduces romance to credit limits and replaces character analysis with annual allowances. It’s that she’s unkind to well-meaning middle-aged women.
Guess what? We have an article about psedonyms! This one is rather funny because it seems to suggest that Jane Eyre was written by Emily and Wuthering Heights by Charlotte, and Anne Brontë wrote a curious Agnus Gray novel, besides a rather perplexing coda. The New Indian Express:
Though best known for her Little Women series, Louisa May Alcott first wrote suspense short fiction under the pen name A M Barnard. Before publishing Jane Eyre, Agnus (sic) Gray (sic) and Wuthering Heights, the Brontë sisters - Emily, Anne and Charlotte - published a collection of poetry under the names Ellis, Currer and Acton Bell. Interestingly, the Brontë sisters achieved greater success when they published books under their own names. (Shyama Krishna Kumar with inputs from Chetana Divya Vasudev)
The Huffington Post has one of those lists - 10 Books Every Woman Should Read. Or more accurately, 10 Books and Blunders:
Jane Eyre, Emily Brontë (SIC)
One of the most fiercely independent and strong-willed female protagonists in the history of literature, the eponymous heroine, Jane Eyre, could teach us all a thing or two - even now.
Widely regarded as a masterpiece, Jane Eyre is one romance novel you can read without fear of compromising your feminist integrity. (Georgia James)
Chicago Now describes things found in her basement:
6. Copy of Wuthering Heights from high school, with copious annotations and underlinings of romantic passages That is the typical life of the high school girl: you yearn for a Heathcliff, but what you get is a stoner who wears Birkenstocks and a drug rug, and whose idea of a good date night is renting Con Air and watching it while you do his math homework for him. (Jessie Ann)


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