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Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013 11:14 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Three Weeks Edinburgh interviews Rebecca Mordan from Scary Little Girls. Their The Full Brontë! Literary Cabaret show will be at the Edinburgh Fringe:
TW: Let’s start with the obvious question: what exactly does a literary cabaret involve?
RM: Our literary cabaret is a mixture of songs, games and Brontë literary references. I hold it all together as the compere, aka Monika, supported by my trusty sidekick – Sharon Andrew – who we usually call Nom de Plume, though in this show she’ll be known as Nom Brannie, after the Brontë mother’s maiden-name Branwell. This is a Cornish name and we make a point of trying to reclaim the Brontës for Cornwall at every opportunity! We use storytelling and daft games to share as much as we can about the Brontës, and our views on how ace they were. Some parts of the show highlight their talent in a very moving way. For example, we put the Emily Brontë poem ‘Remembrance’ to music, which never fails to bring a tear to the eye. But most of the show is us being very, very silly, with lots of banter and interaction between us and the punters. (...)
W: And finally, the all important question: which is your favourite Brontë?
RM: Oh, that question is just too hard! We adore the radical feminist Anne and her ‘Tenant Of Wildfell Hall’. Charlotte would surely be the ultimate big sister and her books are gifts that keep on giving, read after read. And Emily not only created Cathy and Heathcliff and gave us some of the most stunning poetry, but she also painted herself facing backwards in every family portrait! You’ve got to love the uncompromising weirdo! We love them all and their literary contributions, but we can tell you that Monika has spent many happy hours delving around in her Villette. On this subject, though, one thing we do and are planning to do in Edinburgh, is our own street survey designed to decide “Which Brontë Are You?”. We ask people in the street a series of questions and from their answers we work out which Brontë best matches their personality. We can then add up the figures and work out whether Edinburgh is more of a Charlotte, Emily or Anne city!
The Full Brontë! Literary Cabaret’ takes place at Fingers Piano Bar from 3-24 Aug (not 5, 12, 19) at 4.20pm. (Caro Moses)
IndieWire's Shadow and Act makes a bold proposal to film producers:
Maryse Condé's Windward Heights is a beautiful and exotic novel, a passionate reimagining of a torrid liason between two star-crossed lovers of color, torn apart by class and racial oppression.
We’re all aware by now of Andrea Arnold’s latest screen adaptation of Emily Brontë’s classic novel. Arnold’s Wuthering Heights, set for theater release this spring, is the first - of what seems like zillion film adaptations - to reincarnate Heathcliff as a black man; some of us were rather pleasantly surprised at Arnold’s courage in giving the original tale this non-conventional twist. After all, Brontë’s 1848 novel described Heathcliff as “dark-skinned gypsy in aspect.” (...)
Filmmakers and production companies out there reading...any takers? :) Somebody out there please revolutionise the film industry and adapt this novel!! (Vanessa Martinez)
The Guardian reviews Terry Eagleton's How To Read Literature:
Aimed at "readers and students", it is a personable stroll through a predictable canon: Charlotte Brontë, Forster, Keats, Milton, Hardy et al – plus JK Rowling, perhaps thrown in so as not to appear snobbish. The avuncular prof cautions his audience not to read in certain ways (no one cares whether you like the characters or not), and aims to show, through close reading of selected passages of poetry and prose, how to appreciate the best of what's been thought and said. (Steven Poole)
Belinda Webb criticises in The Guardian the choice of Jane Austen for the British £10 notes ('a safe and bland option') and proposes other more feminist choices:
Emily or Charlotte Brontë (mid-1800s)
I've always believed that there are two types of woman – those who root for Austen, and those who prefer their fiction wild, angry and passionate, as written by the Brontës.
The Rowling pseudonym affaire seems to have no end:
The pseudonym, which quite literally means false name, is by no means a new phenomenon and has been around for generations. Famous examples of the practice can be traced back to the infamous Brontë sisters who published their works under the names of men. Of course, we all know now that the Brontë sisters were destined to write some of the most famous period romances of the age; however, at the time, women were not considered able to write novels and were often sidelined by a largely male-dominated medium. While we now know that Emily Brontë was the genius behind Wuthering Heightsand that her sister Charlotte famously wrote Jane Eyre, they were professionally known as Ellis Bell and Currer Bell respectively. (Scott McMullon on So, So Gay)
Glamour lists some old-fashioned names:
There are a lot of Charlotte's in our pop-culture history—Charlotte Brontë, Charlotte York, to name a few—and now Colin Hank's daughter joins the pack. (Anna Moeslein)
Nice that Charlotte goes into the pop-culture category.

The Atlantic Wire discusses the possible plots of the fourth season of Downton Abbey:
Here's Edith—the ugly duckling of the family, the one that got left at the altar—looking rather sexy and cavorting with her married editor beau Michael Gregson. You know, the one with the nutty wife, a lá (sic) Jane Eyre. (Esther Zuckerman) 
DVD Talk reviews The Wolverine:
He is a mutant Heathcliff, a world-saving Lord Byron. No one can best him or tame him, and when they come close, he returns harder and softer, more angry and tortured, than before. (Jamie S. Rich)
Talented reade: a literary journal reviews Wide Sargasso Sea.  


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