A couple of alerts for tomorrow April 5:
In Ilkley,
Ann Dinsdale presents her book At Home with the Brontës:
Not Just the Brontës - Haworth Parsonage is famous for its literary inhabitants, the fabulously gifted Brontë sisters, but it has been home to many other, less celebrated folk. On Friday, 5th July at 7.30pm we will be hosting Ann Dinsdale, the museum's Collections Manager, and hearing all about the clerics, curators and characters who have played their part in the history of the Parsonage.
The talk takes its inspiration from an exhibition put together by Ann charting the inhabitants of the house before and after the Bronte family, and covering church families, wartime visitors, and several custodians whose families grew up in those fascinating literary surroundings.
Tickets are £3, including wine, and are selling fast, so if you fancy an evening of literary and historical interest, book your place now!
More information on the
Brontë Society website and
Ilkey Gazette.

In Civita Castellana, Italy, a literary event with the presence, among others, of Maddalena De Leo:
Il 5 luglio alle 21.00, nella piazza del Duomo di Civita Castellana, si terrà “Contemporaneamente Donna”, un progetto patrocinato dal Comune che nasce dal desiderio di creare uno spazio di condivisione ed approfondimento sul mestiere di scrivere e sull’ispirazione creativa ma soprattutto un luogo dove incontrarsi per scoprire (o riscoprire) la scrittura al femminile.
Come ci spiega l’ideatrice e Direttrice Artistica Meriam Kermali la serata è suddivisa in tre sezioni principali: per la “Letteratura classica” un omaggio alle sorelle Brontë, in particolare a Charlotte Brontë con l’intervento della Prof.ssa Maddalena De Leo, una delle massime studiose italiane, docente di inglese, socia della Brontë Society e consulente editoriale per l’Italia della rivista letteraria Brontë Studies. (On Tuscia)
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