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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Brontë Society has prepared a whole day of activities celebrating Emily Brontë's anniversary:
Emily Brontë's birthday is July 30, and this year we're marking it in style for the first time with a special day of walks and tours we're calling Emily's Birthday Excursion!

11.30am Gather at Keighley Station on the platform, ready to board the first steam train of the day to Haworth
11.50am The train pulls in and Emily's birthday excursion group boards, to listen to talks about the Brontës and the railways by our Director, Professor Ann Sumner, and railway historian David Pearson
12.10pm Accompanied by 'Emily Brontë' herself, the train heads towards Haworth, as David discusses points of interest along the way, and you can chat with Emily - costume historian Lyn Cunliffe - about what she is wearing
12.28pm Arrive in Haworth, where a vintage bus awaits those who would like a lift to the top of the famous cobbled Main Street. Excursioners are free to wander as they will around Haworth, and enjoy a picnic, or lunch at one of the village's many cafés. The upstairs room of Cobbles and Clay has been reserved for those who wish to eat there.
1.30pm Meet back at the Parsonage, where excursioners will split into two groups: The first group tours the garden and meadow with gardener Jenny Whitehead, to find out more about the Parsonage plants, and what the garden was like in the time of the Brontës.
  The second group will view the special Brontë treasures in our library, together with Collections Manager and local historian Ann Dinsdale, as you go behind the scenes to see some of the items not usually on display to the public.
2.15pm The two groups swap over, so that both have a chance of visiting the library treasures, as well as touring the garden and meadow
2.45pm Both groups depart together for a gentle walk on to the edge of the moors and up on to Penistone Hill, in the company of our Education Officer Sue Newby, on a guided tour of the moorland places the Brontës knew and loved so well
4.30pm The vintage bus picks up excursioners and runs them back to Keighley, taking in a tour of the moors en route, and travelling via Cemetery Road and Tom Stell's seat, then along Hebden Road
circa 5pm Arrive back at Keighley
More information on Keighley News.


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