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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
A curious event took place Ascea Marina (SA), Italy last May 31. Maddalena De Leo reports:
On 31st May an evening devoted to Anglo-American readings in English and Italian was held in Ascea Marina (SA), Italy. The entertainment was called ‘Read and drink: the five senses through five literary appetizers’ and promoted by ‘Il maggio dei libri’ and ‘English Key Project’ as one of many other cultural activities organized at Alario Foundation Complex (www.fondazionealario.it).
The menu of the evening offered a ‘bloody Mary’ with vision readings from Shakespeare, Marlowe and the Brontë Sisters, a ‘grog & sangria’ with readings from Melville, Hemingway and Kerouac, a ‘beer’ with readings from Joyce, a ‘tea’ with Kipling and a ‘Martiny dry’ with Maugham.
Professor Maddalena De Leo read her choice of Brontë extracts (from Wuthering Heights ch.3 – from Jane Eyre ch. 35 – the poem ‘Night’ by Anne Brontë) together with other readers, actors and mothertongues while the audience was served and could drink all five drinks.
It was really an original and charming evening …. also with the contribution of an English like
rainy weather!


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