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Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Huffington Post reviews the US DVD release of Wuthering Heights 2011:
Emily Brontë's masterpiece Wuthering Heights has been filmed umpteen times. But like a classic play, it's well worth revisiting again and again. Still, most new versions aren't terribly interesting even though every generation wants to tackle it. Not so here. Director Andrea Arnold has been a technically fascinating talent. Here her formidable skills have been married to a passionate tale, bringing out a richness and humanity in her work not present before. This was one of the most acclaimed films of the year, but was all but overlooked by the general public. Well worth checking out. (Michael Glitz)
Another review can be read on Firmado por Cris (in Spanish).

It seems that the relationship between Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley (from Wuthering Heights 2009)  is not at its best right now. The Telegraph informs:
When Tom Hardy played Heathcliff to Charlotte Riley’s Cathy in ITV's adaptation of Wuthering Heights in 2009, their passion continued off screen and the pair were soon engaged. Sadly, the actors’ love story seems to have come to no more of a happy ending than that of Emily Brontë’s characters. (Richard Eden)
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reviews the novel The Perfect Ghost by Linda Barnes:

Em [Moore] narrates her journey from Jane Eyre-like innocence to becoming Malcolm's eager lover as if she's talking to her dead partner. While Malcolm prepares a production of "Hamlet," Em narrates a story seeped in cuckoldry, malevolence and mystery. (Carole E. Barrowan)

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2013/05/04/4642084/paging-through-mysteries-books.html#storylink=rss#storylink=cpy

Die Welt (Germany) reviews Naomi Wolf's Vagina and, as usual, makes the almost compulsory Brontë joke:
Wolf behauptet tatsächlich, dass Frauen mit tolleren Orgasmen größere Werke schaffen. Ihr Beleg dafür: Edith Wharton, deren Romane besser wurden, als ihr ein Liebhaber ozeanische Gefühle schenkte. All die Gegenbeispiele, die einem zu diesem Unsinn einfallen, bleiben unerwähnt, vielleicht findet Wolf ja, dass die "Sturmhöhen" doppelt so gut geworden wären, hätte Emily Brontë mal Sex gehabt. (Peter Praschl) (Translation)
La Razón (Spain) exaggerates when says:
Otro ejemplo característico sería Jane Austen, autora odiada por Mark Twain, Charlotte Brontë o Ralph Waldo Emerson, que a su vez odiaba la novela gótica y escribió «La abadía de Northanger». (Carlos Sala) (Translation)
Hating is to strong a word, we think. Another exaggeration can be read on Brescia Oggi (Italy):
Viene da chiedersi cosa provino i fratelli quando appartengono a una famiglia d'artisti in cui alcuni godono di gloria in vita, oscurando gli altri che pure meriterebbero la stessa luce: Emily Brontë, celebre post mortem mentre Charlotte lo è stata in vita, o Alberto Savinio, nei confronti del fratello Giorgio De Chirico. (Grazia Giordani) (Translation)
Mr. Brame's Blog posts about Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea among others; Court Reads and Reviews talks about Tina Connolly's Ironskin.


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