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Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Herald (Ireland) announces the TV sketch show Psychobitches (with Sharon Horgan) on Sky which among others will feature:
The women to seek treatment range from author Beatrix Potter, who believes the animals really are talking to her, to Eva Braun, who needs help for her seriously questionable taste in men, to Sylvia Plath, who is trying to write cheerier poems, and the Brontë sisters squabbling like toddlers. (Claire Murphy)
Audiophile Audition reviews the latest CD by the violinist Nicola Benedetti, The Silver Violin:
A particularly haunting arrangement, the music by Dario Marianelli for Jane Eyre (“My Edward & I”) has Alexei Grynyuk’s evocative piano play against Benedetti’s silken violin and the orchestra.
The Maine Sunday Telegram reviews Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline:
Kline has created two singularly disarming characters -- 91-year-old Vivian Daly, a canny and resourceful widow who lives in a Spruce Harbor mansion, and 17-year-old Molly Ayer, a goth with a skunk-stripe in her hair who was recently caught stealing "Jane Eyre" from the library. (Joan Silverman)
Tanya Gold is not very thrilled by Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby. In the Sunday Times:
We have seen Gatsby decoration tips and Gatsby hats, born of the same moronic thought process that might imagine that Jane Eyre is really a novel about bonnets. 
The Sunday Herald reviews the Scottish Opera production of Gilbert & Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance:
Terry Gilliam-style cut-outs animate the stage. Sergeant of Police Graeme Broadbent has clearly done a tour of duty in Whitehall at John Cleese's Ministry of Silly Walks. Major-General Stanley's many daughters echo the semaphore version of Wuthering Heights while waving little Union flags.
Stephanie Hill on Policymic thinks that reading classics helps with your gaming techniques:
I like Shakespeare and the Brontë sisters and I read Moby-Dick and I liked that too. But the classics aren't exactly breaking news, and I'm never sure that they are giving me any particular life skills. Reading classic novels, I frequently feel guilty that I am not working my way through some text on how to help the poor, or stop global warming. Aside from padding my ego, what is the point of reading the classics?
The Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka) reviews the novel Giri Induwara by Yamuna Malini Perera:
And the theme of Emily Brontë's novel, Wuthering Heights, is akin to that of Giri Induwara in some way. That is the misery and suffering of Catherine the senior whose pain and frustration was heart-rending. The humiliation and frustration of Heathcliff prod him to take revenge on the wrong-doers.   (Somapala Arandara)
Paws on Books interviews the author Nick Osborne:
Why did you choose to write this particular book? I first started sketching out the story for Refuge in November 2006. (As I sit here writing this I have to pause – six years – bloody hell!)
I had an urge to write a love story, and if I could be so bold, a classic love story. It wasn’t that I thought I could ever write something on the level of a Charlotte Brontë, Leo Tolstoy or Louis de Bernieres, I doubted anything I wrote would even exist within their shadows, however those were the novels I always loved the most – grand, sweeping, romantic epics - Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Love In The Time of Cholera, Corelli’s Mandolin, Anna Karenina- novels which had an intentse central love story but which at their core were about so much more. So being utterly foolhardy that was the perilous journey I decided to take.
Heathcliff makes an apperance in this article on Revista Tango (Romania):
Heathcliff nu-și găsește puterea de a se umili în  fața iubirii decât după ce o părăsește și trăiește o viață departe de femeia care i-a sucit mințile și rostul. (Marilena Guduleasa)(Translation)
France Info reviews Au Bout de la Violence by Elina Feriel:
Au milieu de la grisaille, il y a quand même quelques bons souvenirs : un voyage à Venise, avec son professeur d'italien qu'elle aime beaucoup, et puis tous les livres qu'elle dévore : "Le rouge et le noir", "Candide", "Les hauts de Hurlevent"... (Jean Leymarie) (Translation)
 Erotica for all interviews I.J. Miller, author of Wuthering Nights.


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