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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013 2:16 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The actor Russell Crowe talks about his childhood favourite books among other things in the Daily Mail:
I grew up reading everything I could get my hands on. My mother Jocelyn was, and is, a voracious reader, but she had two sides. There were the books and authors that she read and talked about with her girlfriends – Ayn Rand, Gore Vidal – and the nightly addiction to Mills & Boon and Harold Robbins that she kept quiet. Many classics were much-loved gifts, and I remember Huckleberry Finn and The Swiss Family Robinson with huge  fondness. Dumas, Brontë and Dickens were all family friends.
The Independent interviews the singer-songwriter Barb Jungr:
It was in 2002 that Jungr really found her niche, when she released Every Grain of Sand: Barb Jungr Sings Bob Dylan. The idea of reworking Dylan songs might seem as futile as rewriting Wuthering Heights given that it's fairly difficult, looking back over more than half a century, to think of more than a couple of Bob Dylan cover versions that are even faintly as interesting as the original. (Robert Chalmers)
We suppose that Timothy Watkins is not a big fan of Wuthering Heights after reading this article in The Acorn about the Bible in school:
I’m not saying we should preach its contents, just teach it. If you’ve ever had “Wuthering Heights” on your reading list, it shouldn’t be that bad.
Star Tribune reviews The Astor Orphan by Alexandra Aldrich:
Readers always side with Cinderella, and Cassandra Mortmain, and Mary Lennox, and Jane Eyre. We wish for things to turn out all right, or to go entertainingly wrong. (Eric Hanson)
A Jane Eyre reference in this Yale Herald essay:
Over breakfast, I read Hiroshima, Jane Eyre, Lolita. I’m leaving home in a month for a kingdom of geniuses, and if I’m going to stand a chance, I need to finish every book in my house. The paper still gets delivered, but the information-to-reading-time ratio isn’t worthwhile. I scan online news and scientific journals and bodybuilding sites and make infrequent diary entries. I never mention breakfast. Food is fuel, and without meaning. (Aaron Gertler)
The Sunday Times talks about the Grand National winner, Sue Smith. The article contains several Brontë references:
A passion for withers amid the wuthering heights.
Giles Hattersley fins Sue Smith, the trainer of the Grand National winner, happily braving the rain on the moors with her own Heathcliff. (...)
Not that the Jilly Cooper myth has been entirely busted. After all, the husband of the trainer is Harvey Smith, that all-conquering showjumper of yesteryear whom Cooper once dubbed "Heathcliff on horseback". (...)
She likes the fact that it's a bit Brontë up here. Perhaps not all the emotional guff, but certainly the hard knocks and frozen terrain."Wuthering Heights"? she laughs. "It is stunning on a lovely day, when the grass is a bit greener. I can't believe there's still snow laid about from more than two weeks ago." (...)
What was life like in the showjumping circus back then? "It was a good life," she says. There was plenty of socialising, especially at the international horse shows where they attended dinners every night. Any hot and haeavy first memories of Heathcliff?"I still live with him so I don't have memories of him. He's just a fortright person, isn't he?" (Giles Hattersley)
El Día (Argentina) reviews the latest book by John Irving, In One Person:
Todo en medio de una familia con algún que otro travesti, trajes, disfraces y mucho teatro de la manos de William Shakespeare, Henri (sic) Ibsen o Tenesse (sic) Williams, como así también muchas lecturas de Flaubert, las hermanas Brontë o el activista negro James Badwin. (Translation)
Il Sole (Italy) quotes the film director Peter Greenaway quoting François Truffaut saying:
François Truffaut sosteneva che il binomio "regista inglese" è un ossimoro, visto che continuiamo a riprodurre sul grande schermo solo romanzi di Jane Austen o delle sorelle Brontë e siamo incatenati a Shakespeare». (Cristina Battocletti) (Translation)
Haber Turk (Turkey) interviews the journalist and writer Caitlin Moran:
 Edebiyattaki feminist kahramanlarınız hangileri?
Jane Eyre ve Küçük Kadınlar'daki Jo March. Kusurlarıyla savaşan ve mizah duygusu olan farklı tipler. Güzel sayılmazlar. İşçi sınıfından gelen kadınlar. (Gülenay Börekçi) (Translation)
Livres and Cie interviews the author Marilou Aznar:
6. Quelles sont vos œuvres littéraires préférées ? Vous ont-elles inspirée pour écrire Lune Mauve ?
J’ai un faible pour les classiques français et anglo-saxons (Hugo, Dumas, Flaubert, Jane Austen, Théophile Gauthier, les sœurs Brontë, Bram Stoker, Wilkie Collins…)[.] (Translation)
Musica Media talks with the band Her Vanished Grace:
- What are your influences, musical or otherwise?
We're influenced by beauty and nature; everything from art by Balthus and Klimt, the writing of Joseph Campbell and the Brontë sisters, the music, of My Bloody Valentine, Kate Bush and Interpol, our favorite movies like Donnie Darko and Mulholland Drive and million other things.
Another author and Brontëite is Aubrie Dionne as interviewed on Books, Books, the Magical Fruit:
In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?
Jane Eyre- she’s so strong and sticks to her ideals. When she finds out Mr. Rochester has a crazy wife upstairs, she doesn’t stick around and muddy herself in his lies-even though she does love him. 


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