
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Good Review talks about the One Play, One Day which is a curious initiative which has taken place at The Kings's Arms Theatre in Salford:
‘Sixteen actors, four writers and four directors meet to create four new fifteen minute plays’
The last edition took place last April 7 and one of the miniplays was Brontë-related:
Searching for Emily was the one that I was most looking forward to. Written by Sally Lawton the Artistic Director of The Houldsworth, a theatre for new writing in Manchester. Searching for Emily did not disappoint. It is the story of Tina, a giftshop assistant at the Brontë Estate who is inspired by Emily Brontë, but tormented by her boss, Marilyn who likes nothing better than to communicate with a reception bell. With hilarious performances by Jane Allighan and Aaron Cobham and the wailing tones of Kate Bush in the background, this play was funny, clever and educational. (Sarah Cassidy)
The Scotsman reviews Daphne du Maurier and Her Sisters by Jane Dunn:
 Literary or artistic siblings exert a particular kind of fascination over us, possibly because there is always an element of hierarchy or competition – at least one of them is bound to suffer in comparison. Possibly even more so when they are all-female siblings. It happened to the Brontë sisters, where Anne’s name was overshadowed by Emily’s and Charlotte’s; it happened to the pony-book writing Pullein-Thompson sisters, where Diana’s success rather obscured that of siblings Christine and Josephine. We can’t help but wonder about those sisterly rivalries, about how they really felt about each other’s successes and failures. (Lesley McDowell)
Vulture reviews the US production of Tim Minchin's Matilda:
At first Matilda is able to master the unfairness of being born to such venal troglodytes by escaping into the great works of upwardly mobile literature: Jane Eyre, The Secret Garden, and especially Dickens. (Jesse Green)
What is exactly a Brontë sister disaster tale? We read in The Local (Sweden):
Dinner, however, is more like from a Brontë sister disaster tale than any Jane Austen cotton candy love story. (Emilia Millicent)
Hypable discusses the project of adapting the Infernal Devices book series by Cassandra Clare:
Historically, Hollywood doesn’t typically embrace Victorian England as a setting that attracts a teen audience. On the other hand, The Infernal Devices isn’t your typical repressed society tale. It’s much more action packed than non-fans might realize. It’s not so much Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre where the women bemoan their powerless circumstances before finally doing something about it. (Laura Byrne-Cristiano)
The Yorker interviews Emma Tofi from the 50 Shades is Abuse campaign:
Why do you think that women are drawn to the dominant, abusive character that is Christian Grey?
There is a power thing. People are attracted to power. It's almost conditioned in us. The strong, powerful character with a vulnerable side, a need to be fixed, is attractive to many. I know I've always felt drawn to people who I think need me. It's how I got into my abusive relationship. Heathcliff is a good example of this sort of character. However, E.L James has crossed a line. It's become abusive. (Helena Horne)
The Devils Lake Journal  publishes an alphabet movie list:
-Jane Eyre- 1943 version of Charlotte Brontë’s gothic romance novel, produced by 20th Century Fox. Directed by Robert Stevenson. Starring Joan Fontaine and Orson Welles. Mr. Welles has such a rich and resounding voice and that makes his portrayal of Mr. Rochester my hands-down favorite of all the Mr. Rochesters that have been portrayed in all the other Jane Eyre films. Poor, orphaned Jane grows up and gets employed as a governess for the ward of Mr. Rochester, a rich but very moody and brooding man. Love blooms between Jane and Mr. Rochester, but at the wedding, a terrible secret is revealed!! (Jenni Giesey)
Syeed Mansoon Hussain talks among other things about his reading history in The Pakistan Daily Times:
But I never did read Dickens, the Brontë sisters or any of the ‘great’ English classic writers including Shakespeare.
Steve Allen's entry in LBC's A Little Bit Extra blog is called Heathcliff:
I'm tempted to blog Kate Bush's whole back catalogue, or maybe just the three songs I remember! I even sung some Wuthering Heights on the show today...if you missed it then do please listen to the podcast..
Mujer Hoy (Spain) talks about Grace Coddington, creative director of Vogue US:
Siempre pareció de otra época con su melena prerrafaelita, su palidísima piel, vestida con ropas negras. Una inconfundible heroína romántica, un personaje de las hermanas Brontë, mirando a lo lejos desde un lluvioso acantilado. (Translation)
Varese News (Italy) has an alert for tomorrow, April 13 at the Pagina 18 library:
Domenica 14 aprile alle ore 10,30
Terzo dei quattro appuntamenti che invitano ad esplorare le radici del sentire femminile in un quadro culturale, spirituale e sociologico, storicamente in divenire. SCOPRIRE IL SENTIRE FEMMINILE. La Natura come migliore alleata del sentire femminile. Incontriamo Emily Brontë, scrittrice e poetessa paladina di questo sentire.
A Spanish news outlet presents the new book of Manuel Vilas El Luminoso Regalo:
Ahora ha aniquilado esos alocados giros tan especiales, pero no ha podido renunciar a su obcecación por las referencias culturales y la relación de la literatura con la música y el cine. La música de Bob Dylan, cuya banda sonora combina con Cumbres borrascosas, se combina con ‘2001: Una odisea en el espacio’, incluso podría parecer que se pregunta por el contenido del famoso monolito de la cinta de Stanley Kubrick. (H. Riaño in El Confidencial) (Translation)
Le Figaro (France) talks about the upcoming new adaptation of the Albert Cohen novel Belle de Seigneur:
À l'inverse, des réussites récentes comme Les Hauts de Hurlevent de Andréa Arnold et Anna Karénine de Joe Wright - chacun dans un registre bien différent - s'affirment par l'importance donnée à la mise en scène, inventant un récit émancipé du texte d'origine. Loin du texte, près du cœur. (Pauline Labadie) (Translation)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books reviews April Lindner's Catherine (Volume 66, Number 7, March 2013, p. 340); The Kennebuk Post discovers some Jane Eyre lovers; a librarian in The Wenatchee World also loves Jane Eyre; the Brontë Sisters illustrates with images a 1849 letter from Charlotte Brontë to W.S.Williams; Absurdly Nerdly reviews The Autobiography of Jane Eyre webseries (which has now published the second and third episodes); heidiwhirst reviews on YouTube The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.


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