
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 9:00 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Hollywood Reporter's The Live Feed interviews Bates Motel executive producer Kerry Ehrin:
THR: Dylan tells Norman he needs perspective and Norma is smothering him. How will we see him respond to that considering Bradley's flirting with him and Emma wants him to pursue the girl from the journal? Ehrin: On one level, Norman knows he needs perspective. There's a part of Norman that just wants to be a regular kid and date girls and be a teenager. But the bond he has with his mother is like an addiction. No matter how hard he tries, it keeps coming to the surface -- and it gets in the way no matter how much he tries to push it aside because ultimately it's more important to him than anything. He can't help it. It's inside him. It's kind of like in Wuthering Heights when Catherine keeps trying to get away from Heathcliff emotionally and live a "normal" life. Marry this other "normal" guy. But in the end, she dies of a broken heart in the arms of Heathcliff. In the end Heathcliff is the one digging up her grave to get next to her dead body -- and it's not sexual. It's just this crazy emotional bond where he feels like he can't live without her. These crazy, co-dependent, dysfunctional bonds have an unearthly power, and in terms of emotion and drama, they totally kick the ass of "normalcy." (Lesley Goldberg)
Funny she should mention Wuthering Heights when the  Jane Eyre reference in the series has been so remarked upon. The Badger Herald adds to that list:
Freddie Highmore (“The Art of Getting By”) isn’t just a Perkins look-alike—he emulates the original Bates. Highmore’s performance as a shy young man and devoted son is both sympathetic and disturbing. Quoting the 1943 adaptation of “Jane Eyre” — just as this series references the film adaptation, not Robert Bloch’s 1959 novel — it’s clear Norman’s mother is the only person who matters in his world. (Kelsey Sorenson)
The Bangalore Mirror interviews writer Tanushree Poddar:
Which is the one book you wish you had written?Wuthering Heights. Its characters have so many shades and nuances that they leave a lasting impression on the reader. They make you think and that is what I like about a book. (Sudha Pillai)
Slate has got the romantic hero cliché right but Mr Rochester wrong:
And I don’t drop the phrase romantic hero idly. Weeks ago, David Plotz suggested that Nashville constituted one long female daydream, rife with celestially beautiful men and more terrestrial-looking women (Still not quite buying it). But whether or not you agree with Plotz, it’s easy to see how Deacon might embody a gal’s (or fella’s) savior fantasy. He’s just a hair too perfect—with perfect hair—and he can guess exactly where a lady is from just by looking at her. His womanizing and “still waters run deep” woundedness make him a sort of Byronic idol. Remember crusty Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre, brooding but with a heart of gold? Or, fine, Edward Cullen from the Twilight series? The formula for these heroes is angst plus good looks plus elite status in whatever world they occupy. They’ve always been irresistible and they always will be. Except Deacon is deadlier, because he also has a golden retriever puppy. (Katy Waldman)
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner is somewhat vague when discussing family history:
"[....] And my husband's family were neighbours of the Brontë sisters.” (Denis Kilcommons)
The Los Angeles Times features the Ukulele Orchestra, which
does some original material, but most of its numbers are covers. One of its most often requested re-interpretations is Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" and the theme from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," both of which are retired from the regular rotation. (Marcia Adair) 
Noticiero Digital (Venezuela) discusses women and writing and mentions the Brontë sisters having to use pseudonyms and Mujeres en la historia (also in Spanish) features Emily Brontë. Ogród książek Mad writes in Polish about Wuthering Heights. Sofias Scrap & Liv Blogg posts in Swedish about Jane Eyre while El blog de Riruka writes in Spanish about The ProfessorChicklish reviews Alison Croggon's Black Spring. The Oxford University Press Tumblr commemorated Charlotte's death anniversary on March 31st by showing covers of their editions of Jane Eyre through the years and RedBrick reviews the 3Bugs Theatre performances of Wuthering Heights in Birmingham:
Although not always successful, this production was brave and a delight to watch. From movement to music, each detail was considered and the acting alone was phenomenal. Heathcliff and Catherine truly embodied the idea that existence isn’t pure or idealised, but wild, passionate, cruel, and powerful. It is this that Catherine yearns for, and the production mastered, as she famously asserts, 'Heathcliff is more myself than I am.' (Elisha Cook)


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