
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013 8:05 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
USA Today shares what Stephen King says about his novel-writing sons:
"You should remember that they get it from both sides." He mentions his wife. "I think of Owen and Joe as the male counterparts of the Brontë sisters." (Bob Minzesheimer)
And more mentions of the Brontë references in Bates Motel. From The Boston Globe:
They also share secret knowledge of one, and possibly two, murders, with young Norman quoting expressions of love from “Jane Eyre” to Norma as they dispose of a corpse. Their bond is deep and deeply twisted. (Matthew Gilbert)
EDIT: The quote goes on like this:
Norman: It's like there's a cord between our hearts,
Mother: Honey, that's from Jane Eyre... Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine.
The Sydney Morning Herald recommends the film I Walked with a Zombie 1943 (check TV alerts):
It may have a ludicrously B-grade title, but I Walked with a Zombie is one of the most sublimely beautiful films ever made, a masterwork from director Jacques Tourneur and made during an inspired burst of low-budget thrillers from producer Val Lewton. Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre: An Autobiography is the tale of a lonely governess who takes a position at a remote manor, where she falls in love with the tortured and reclusive master. It is only near the end of the story that one discovers an impediment to their true love: a mad wife locked away in a tower. I Walked with a Zombie provocatively speculates on what would happen if the crazed wife were in full view from the start, an unavoidable presence as the governess (Frances Dee) and master (Tom Conway) fall in love. Tourneur had a genius for visuals, as anyone who has seen his Out of the Past would know. Perhaps the most unforgettable scene here is on board a yacht, the wine-dark sea glistening in the moonlight and a native song softly heard in the background. The governess rejoices in the exquisiteness of her surrounds, but the master interrupts her by telling her this is a place of sadness and death. Rapturously poetic and eerie, it is unlike anything else in cinema. (Debi Enker and Scott Murray)
Rowan Pelling's sex advice column in the Daily Mail uses Wuthering Heights as an example:
Few authors have conveyed the force of all-consuming passion better than Emily Bronte in Wuthering Heights. Cathy's wiser choice is clearly the handsome, kind (if slightly weedy) Edgar Linton, yet she cannot help pining for the brutal, uncouth but sexy Heathcliff. Lust is of the body and owes little to logic: it often alights on the least suitable people.
Ramblings writes about Jane Eyre 2006 while both Becky's Book Reviews and Evinrude (in French) discuss the 2011 adaptation. A Universe in Words posts about Wide Sargasso Sea.


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