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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:07 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Oxford University Press's blog has compiled 'A feminist reading list from Oxford World’s Classics' which includes
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
One of the most famous novels in English Literature, Jane Eyre is sometimes called a proto-feminist novel. Yes, Reader, Jane does marry Mr Rochester, but only on her own terms. As Jane herself says, “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.” (Kirsty Doole)
We would also have added The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, though.

The Guardian's Books Blog highlights what some of its readers are currently reading.
Here are some other honest thoughts about the books you've read this week: [...]
I am re-reading Villette by Charlotte Brontë, a novel set in France [sic]. First read this 20 years back but nevertheless find it a wonderful narration and couldn't resist a smirk when in Chapter 8 Madam Beck [says:] 'my supper was brought, some meat, nature unknown, served in an odd and acid, but pleasant sauce' (Hannah Freeman)
Macleans' Bookmarked discusses the book 1816: The Year Without Summer by William and Nicholas Klingaman.
Throughout the Old World, from China to Ireland, starving peasants flooded towns, begging and even selling their children for food. Famine-friendly diseases came in their wake. The worst typhus epidemic on record raged, while the lethal modern strain of what would become the 19th century’s greatest killer—cholera—and the first stirrings of state-organized public health measures both came to life.
And so too did Frankenstein and Dracula.
In Switzerland, the European epicentre of the disaster, the English poet Lord Byron and his circle spent much of June huddled around the fire in a chateau on Lake Geneva. Bored and oppressed by the rainy gloom, the poet urged his companions to compose ghost stories in the Gothic mode. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the foundational tale of modern angst over scientists monkeying about with forces beyond their ken, is the most famous to have emerged from the summer of darkness. But “The Vampyre,” by Byron’s physician John Polidori, has been even richer in progeny.
Polidori’s short story, remembered now (if at all) for the way in which his undead protagonist so closely resembled the “mad, bad and dangerous to know” Byron, was a hit at the time, spawning a vampire craze that worked itself into unlikely literary nooks—in Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff’s housekeeper suspects her master of being a vampire. (Brian Bethune)
According to this Brontë Parsonage tweet, they are
Honoured to have @larrylamb47 filming at the Museum this AM for 'Country Home Sunday'. Top man, and big Brontë fan
Another tweet includes a picture of the man filming out in the freezing cold.

Irish Eyes posts about Jane Eyre 2011. SCC Library Reads writes about Tina Connolly's Ironskin. Bored Mommy features the BabyLit series of books, including Little Miss Brontë: Jane Eyre.


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