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Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013 12:30 am by M. in , ,    2 comments
A new Jane Eyre musical has just opened in Tallinn, Estonia:
Jane Eyre

Music and Book - Kaari Sillamaa
Director, choreographer and set designer - Katre Jaani
Costume Designer - Kristel Viksi
Arrangements and Musical Director - Janika Sillamaa

"Jane Eyre"´i peetakse veel praegugi üheks maailma suurimaks armastuslooks - see on olnud lemmikromaan väga paljudele igas vanuses lugejaile, samuti aga ka filmirežissööridele, millest annab tunnistust suur hulk samanimelisi linateoseid, mis filmiajaloos vändatud.
Sest ei saa ju külmaks jääda vaesest perest neiu ja šarmantse aadlimehe, kes endas sünget saladust peidab, vahelistele tunnetele ....


Jane Eyre ... Keidi Vatter
Edward Rochester ... Erik Meremaa
Bertha Mason ... Janika Sillamaa
Mrs Reed ... Silvi Vrait
Alice Fairfax ... Merle Talvik
Grace Poole ... Reet Paavel

Rest of the cast and crew, here.

Salme Kultuurikeskuses
Salme 12 Tallin (Põhja-Tallinna linnaosas)

March 27,28 at 19.00 h
April 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 at 19.00 h
Apparently Erik Meremaa is quite a star in Estonia as he is also the vocalist of the local hard rock band House of Games. Hence this article in Publik.


  1. I found their music samples from soundcloud, It is great!

  2. Some pictures from last evening aswell:
