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Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013 9:29 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
Wuthering Heights 2011 seems to be having a revival in the news today. The Los Angeles Times reports the DVD release.
Wuthering Heights
Available on VOD beginning March 12
Having dissected class conflict in the U.K. in her acclaimed films "Red Road" and "Fish Tank," director Andrea Arnold now jumps back 200 years to provide a similar take on Emily Brontë's classic. Arnold's "Wuthering Heights" is grubby and elemental, telling the story of a doomed romance between a Yorkshire lady and her adopted brother — depicted as black in the movie, as opposed to Romany in the novel. As filtered through Arnold's sensibility, Brontë's tale is just a rough thread on which to hang impressionistic, dialogue-free scenes of muddy farm-folk, in conflict over what they consider to be their property. In other words: This "Wuthering Heights" isn't for fans of faithful literary adaptations, or for English lit students looking for a way to avoid reading the novel. It's a raw cinematic experience, filled with powerful documentary-style imagery and unspoken commentary on how people from different worlds relate to each other. (Noel Murray)
And Süddeutsche (Germany) also comments on it:
It never leaves you, sagt Andrea Arnold von 'Wuthering Heights', dem Roman von Emily Brontë. Sie hat ihn in der Jugend gelesen und vor zwei Jahren verfilmt - besser: ihre Besessenheit von diesem Buch. Ihr Film ist beklemmender amour fou, die wilde, zerstörerische Liebe von Heathcliff und Catherine, ihr Hass, ihre Verachtung, ihre Verzweiflung. Sie leckt seine Wunden, er ist ein Schwarzer, Outsider und Outlaw, unter den Menschen in der öden Heide- und Moorlandschaft von Yorkshire. Ein Film über Differenzen, übers Anderssein, er ist den Elementen abgetrotzt, dem Regen, dem Wind, dem Dunkel, dem Matsch, in den man bis an die Knöchel einsinkt und stolpert und stürzt. Liebe muss verletzen, sie ritzt sich ein in die Körper, ist materiell und flüchtig zugleich, sie stößt sich an der Enge der Bilder. It never leaves you. (Fritz Göttler) (Translation)
Cinespect features the Isabelle Adjani retrospective running at the Brooklyn Academy of Music from March 8-21 which
Opens with André Téchiné’s “The Brontë Sisters,” (1979), in which Adjani plays Emily Brontë, author of “Wuthering Heights,” and the most outspoken and headstrong of the three literary siblings. (Claire E. Peters)
The Telegraph reviews the book The Wry Romance of the Literary Rectory by Deborah Alun-Jones:
One must start with a footnote: there are lots of words in English for a house where clergy live, including parsonage, vicarage, presbytery, deanery, chancery, manse, and rectory. I shall follow the lead of this book, and use the single word “rectory” to cover all.
In this sense, eight Poets Laureate, including Dryden, Day-Lewis and Tennyson, were brought up in rectories. So were Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. So were the detective novelist Dorothy L Sayers and Edmund De Waal, the author of The Hare with Amber Eyes. (Charles Moore)
The Daily Mail talks about the Paris Fashion Week:
Rick Owens showed models with huge, frizzy, windswept hair, that looked slightly like they had lost a fight with a thorny bush than 'Wuthering Heights'. (Katy Winter)
Cassandra's Blog posts about Wuthering Heights. Missbookreader gives three stars out of five to Jane Eyre 2011.


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