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Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 9:29 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Soiurce: BrontëBlog
The Daily Mail and The Daily Express publish the results of a survey of 4,000 women commissioned by Baileys to find out the most inspiring and spirited women (real or fictional) of all time. Jane Eyre has made it onto the top twenty:

Fictional characters which inspire women include Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice (11th); Scarlett O’Hara, Gone With the Wind (14th); Bridget Jones, Bridget Jones’ Diary (15th); Jane Eyre (20th) and Clarice Starling, Silence of the Lambs (39th). (Sarah Harris)

The Jane Eyre reference in Bates Motel seems to have been pretty successful as it is mentioned again in The Michigan Daily:
Teenage Norman is a deadly cocktail of hormones and budding psychosis beneath an innocuous baby face. Quoting “Jane Eyre” and stealing glimpses at a creepily salacious book of drawings, the younger Bates is true North for every female in town — the well-meaning guidance counselor, the popular clique, loner Emma and, of course, the center of his world: his mother. (Kelly Etz)
Bleacher Report describes the Mourinho-Abramovich relationship in Brontë terms:
 There has always seemed to be a sense of destiny around Mourinho and Abramovich, as though the two characters are intertwined in a way that makes Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw look like a joyous union. (Ian Rodgers)
Deutschlandfunk (DKR) reviews Jeannette Winterson Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? It's difficult to write about Winterson and not mention the Brontës somehow:
Die Bücher werden für Winterson als Kind zur Fluchtmöglichkeit in die Fantasie, fort aus einem lieblosen Haushalt, in dem außer der Bibel und den Romanen von Charlotte Brontë alle Literatur verboten ist. (Antje Rávic Strubel) (Translation)
Apparently at the Druid Hill Park (in North Baltimore) someone loved the Brontës. According to North Baltimore Patch:
There were ponds named after the Brontë sisters where seals would play. (Joe Stewart)
Teen Ink has included an article about the social status in Wuthering Heights on their database;  the Amelia Bloomer Project includes Catherine Reef's The Brontë Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne in their annual selection of feminist books; M's Bookshelf reviews Syrie James's The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Brontë; Ravencrafts Romance Realm presents I.J. Miller's Wuthering Nights; Daisy Dolls posts about her project of making Rochester's shirt as seen in Jane Eyre 1983 which, by the way, is reviewed by Becky's Book Reviews.

On the Brontë Parsonage Facebook/Twitter new pictures of the aftermath of the snowstorm: the entrance to the ParsonagePonden Hall, Main Street, looking at the Black Bull.


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