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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013 8:30 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Col-Coa Festival will take place in Los Angeles on April 15-22 and, according to Deadline,
André Techiné’s Les Soeurs Brontë (The Brontë Sisters) will have a special 35th [?] anniversary screening. (Nancy Tartaglione)
Variety reports it as well. The film is supposedly 34 years old this year, though.

Associate Press reviews the film Stoker where
With stringy black hair shrouding her face, India [played by Mia Wasikowska] is a dour, intelligent introvert — a kind of Victorian shadow of Wasikowska's Jane Eyre. (Jake Coyle)
The Times Higher Education has an article on the book Hikikomori: Adolescence without End by Tamaki Saito which begins as follows:
In the Brothers Grimm tale, Rapunzel was shut away in a tower, while in Charlotte Brontë's most famous work, Mrs Rochester was locked away in Thornfield Hall, hidden from the eyes of Jane Eyre. The common theme is that the two women see hardly anyone for a very long time and are cut off from society. Tamaki Saitō's book is also about people who are locked away from society. The only difference is that Hikikomori: Adolescence without End is the story of real people, and there are 700,000 of them in Japan - only a little short of 1 per cent of its entire population. (Atsushi Senju)
LookLocal (South Africa) features a recent exhibition inspired by Wuthering Heights 
Numerous artists embraced the Boksburg Art Centre's recent exhibition with the theme centred on the timeless novel, Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë.    
According to Barry de Villiers, art teacher and the coordinator of the exhibition, the painting competition was open to all artists and the theme was a great way to fire the imagination of local artists. (Logan Green)
A Cavalier Daily columnist discusses the print vs digital way of life.
We readers remember the emotions evoked from the words created on the page, and the words destroyed on the page. In Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights,” we grieve as Catherine and Linton’s love letters burn in the fireplace. Had Nelly Dean taken young Cathy’s iPhone and deleted her text messages, the sentiment would not have been as powerful — nay, it would not have been there at all. (Katherine Ripley)
La Jornada (México) likens a convoluted political story to Wuthering Heights. The 'complexities of love in Wuthering Heights' are actually explained by this video by Pine Crest Educational Tech (via @BrontëParsonage). Elly's Film Review posts briefly about Wuthering Heights 2011. Mes impressions de lecture - Denis Billamboz writes in French about Jane Eyre while Eroticdreambattle features Mr Rochester.


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