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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:02 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Young Company at the Stoneham Theatre performs Gordon & Caird's Jane Eyre. The Musical in Stoneham, MA:
Jane Eyre
With Students in grades 10-12

Music and Lyrics by Paul Gordon
Book and Additional Lyrics by John Caird
Based on the novel by Charlotte Brontë

Jane Eyre is a haunting retelling of the Charlotte Brontë classic about an orphan girl who grows up to become the governess of Thornfield Hall, where her new employer Mr. Rochester is not all he seems.  Filled with soaring melodies and a romantic lyricism uncommon in the modern Broadway musical, Jane Eyre is a sweeping Tony-nominated love story, breath-taking in its scope and beauty, in the tradition of Les Misérables.

Directed by Nick Sulfaro
Choreographed by Ceit Zweil

Saturday, January 19, 7pm
Sunday, January 20, 3pm
Friday, January 25, 7pm
Saturday, January 26, 7pm
More information in the Melrose Free Press.

And today, January 19, opens in Lappeenranta, Finland a new adaptation of Wuthering Heights:
Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri presents
Humiseva Harju

Directed and adapted by Lija Fischer
Production Design and Costume by Tarja Jaatinen
Sound Design ... Jussi Österman
Hairstyle and make-up  ... Sari Rautio
Videos by  Kimmo Pasanen

Humiseva Harju on intohimoinen rakkaustarina, joka kiehtoo vuosikymmenestä toiseen. Lija Fischerin uusi sovitus on raju, rujo ja maaginen esitys ihmisistä mahdottomien valintojen edessä.
Esipuheessaan kirjaan Emily Brontë kirjoittaa: ” En ole varma onko oikein luoda Heathcliffin kaltaisia olentoja – epäilen, ettei ole.” Heathcliff on yksi hurjimmista ja kostonhimoisimmista olennoista, joita kirjallisuus on meille antanut.
Mutta miksi Heathcliffin ja Cathyn rakkaustarina silti koskettaa meitä?
Esitys tarjoaa moniulotteisen visuaalisen maailman, jossa ohjaaja Fischerin apuna Humisevan harjun maailmaa luovat myös Maija Linturin nukkehahmot.
Multa. Kuu. Tuuli nummella. Iho. Huulet. Mies ja nainen. Kuolematon rakkaus.

January 19,25,31 19:00 /  January 26 13:00
February 9,16,23 19:00 / February 6, 21 13:00
March 9, 23 19:00
April 11,20,27 19:00 / April 4,10 13:00
May 4, 11 19:00
More information on Etelä-Saimaa.


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