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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 8:44 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Now that Halloween is almost here, The Huffington Post lists 'The 50 Scariest Characters From Literature'. One of which is
42. Heathcliff ('Wuthering Heights', Emily Brontë)
Heathcliff is scary from the start of Emily's bleak novel. Unpredictable and with an air of the wild, he identifies a little too strongly with the brutal moors in the book. However, it's the controlling egomaniac Heathcliff turns into that really freaks us out. (Alice E. Vincent and Sam Parker)
While Flavorwire finds out 'What Your Favorite Scary Movie Says About You':
An American Werewolf in London
Wuthering Heights wasn’t gory enough for your taste. (Judy Berman)
The West Australian has talked to Chloe Hooper, author of the erotic thriller The Engagement.
Hooper says she felt both the Gothic novel and the thriller were perfect forms to explore modern attitudes towards marriage.
"I love all of those Gothic classics such as Jane Eyre and Rebecca, stories of heroines trapped in spooky houses and heroes of dubious backgrounds," she says.
"But I think those stories of women trapped in houses are often linked to women's ambivalence about domesticity and marriage. And the thriller, which is a genre that works on ambivalence about our fears and desires, is also a perfect way to talk about marriage." (William Yeoman)
Coincidentally, Jane Eyre Laid Bare is released today and so Pan Macmillan Australia shares an extract from it and EBookObsessed and It's a Book Thing review it.

The press release about Morgan Kelly’s Midnight In Your Arms describes the author as a Brontëite:
Morgan Kelly writes historical romance thanks, to an obsession with 19th-century Gothic novels that has plagued her (in a good way) since childhood, when she first discovered the Brontë sisters. 
Skånska Dagbladet reviews The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides.
Om Dödens jungfrur kan liknas vid en antik grekisk tragedi och Middlesex har karaktären av en klassisk bildningsroman á la Jane Eyre, så är En kärlekshandling ett kammarspel. En tät och intim historia om ett presumtivt triangeldrama där de tre huvudkaraktärerna kretsar kring varandra i en alltmer hårt vriden spiral.
Boken är också full av referenser till många av de författare som har influerat Jeffrey Eugenides författarskap, som till exempel Henry James, Charlotte Brontë och Philip Roth. Utan att det för sakens skull blir för tungt och teoretiserande. Referenserna finns bara där, som en naturlig del av berättelsen. (Peter Olsson) (Translation)
The Spectrum features 'a modern printing press called The Espresso Book Machine, which allows individuals to publish and print their own books' and looks at its potential uses:
Professors could also create course specific texts by modifying public domain books. For example a literature professor lecturing on Jane Eyre could add annotations and notes specific to lesson plans and lectures from the course into the binding of the book [Carl Wichman, the assistant director of the NDSU bookstore] said. (Larisa Bosserman)
WalesOnline discusses why 'there are no longer barriers blocking female authors' and refers to Elaine Showalter's A Literature of Their Own. Impresiones y andanzas posts about the Brontë sisters in Spanish. That Awesome Movie writes in Spanish about Wuthering Heights 2009. Boxamurai writes in Malay about Jane Eyre 2011. Busy Nothings discusses Helen Burns.

Finally, @HaworthChurch reports that,
The scaffolding is coming down inside the church this week, how exciting! We will keep you updated on our progress.


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