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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:52 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Three curious things with Wuthering Heights in common:

1. A photo shot session on Nemesis Agency:
Journey with us to Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë hasn’t got anything on us!
Haunting new shots by the brilliant Robert Kicka!
2. An exhibition in Göteborg by the artist Tuija Lindström includes a photograph with the name "To Heathcliff" according to Svenska Dagbladet:
En äldre man tittar mot ett flygplan som om han var rädd att piloten skulle ta fel på spakarna och missa himlen. En vit häst (fotografiet heter ”For Heathcliff”) tycks ha galopperat rakt ut ur Emily Brontës roman. Motiven i dessa fotografier skiftar så ofta att betraktaren blir åksjuk, men aldrig uttråkad. (Joanna Persman)
3. And an ereader cover on Weloveodd:

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë - E-Reader Cover for Kindle & Kobo
Here at Oddco Towers we are massive fans of the must have technology for all book lovers – E Readers. However  there is one thing we miss from Books and that is the covers!

What you read and your favourite book says so much about you. Since the advent of the e-reader this subtle personality indicator is gone as everyone is sat on the train with the same old black case, reading anonymous books.
Comaptible with Kindle & Kobo
Durable PVC Cover
Luxury velour lining
Dimensions 13.5 x 1 x 19.5 cm
If you want your e-reader to say something about you, then what better way than to cover it with a fantastic "Run For Covers" e-reader cover.

These beautifully designed e-reader covers are available in 6 Classic Novel styles – you are sure to find one to suit you or the book lover in your life.


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